Chapter 1 - In The Beginning

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Thud, thud, thud, the sound and rhythm of the rubber ball thrown against the wall, lulled Maddy deep into her own thoughts. She stared at the worn pattern in the wall, remembering her life before being imprisoned. Her crime was to love a clone, a clone that wasn't hers, a clone that wasn't designed to feel. Maddy was there from the beginning, she worked at the AVA Corporation as the combat instructor. It was her job to train the AVA clones in military combat.

The AVA Corporation was founded by Bishop. Bishop considered himself a pioneer in bio engineering. He experimented with human genetics, he designed and created the AVA clones, looking for human perfection. Nurse Ava was one of the first clones created to help assist him with these experiments. The clones were manufactured at AVACorp, Bishop using them to work at his own facility. The AVA's were programmed to follow orders, they weren't designed to question them, nor were they designed to have feelings.

Maddy had already trained 200 clones in the art of combat as soldiers. They were quick to learn the skills and techniques in martial arts, weaponry and tactics, they were learning from the best. Maddy knew she didn't have to worry if they got hurt and didn't stand up to the rigorous training, they were easily replaced. Though she never questioned Nurse Ava what happened to the ones that didn't make the training.

Life for this combat instructor was never going to be the same as she began training this class of clones. AVA 131126-1 immediately stood out from all the other clones she had trained. From the first day of instruction this clone wanted to learn more, know more. Ava excelled in martial arts and was especially fond of firearms. This AVA questioned the techniques trying to perfect them, she was starting to think for herself. Her consciousness as a clone was transforming to human behaviours and feelings. This was unimaginable. Her initial interactions with Maddy were all focused on the combat training. Over time, Ava began engaging in casual conversations about more social agendas with Maddy. This unexpected behaviour from an AVA clone threw Maddy and so she reported it to Bishop. Maddy was instructed to monitor this Ava, take her into the community to socially interact with other people and monitor her development.

Her world began revolving around this Ava, watching her, going out with her, testing her social reactions. At first they went offsite for coffees, to the library, a trip to the museum, and sometimes just a walk around the park. Ava was constantly scrutinised in how she reacted to the environments around her and how she interacted with other people. All the while Ava's developing social skills were being reported to Bishop. With Maddy's world now revolving more and more around Ava, her feelings for Ava began developing while the bond between them deepened.

One night Maddy decided to stay back late to workout with Ava. Ava was excelling in her combat training far more than the other clones. The instructor spent more one on one time with Ava and was taking her through the more difficult and advanced techniques. After they finished, Maddy handed Ava her water bottle, they're hands brushing each other in passing. Both women looking at each other with the same look, both women feeling the same thing. Ava spoke, "is this wrong that I want to kiss you." Maddy stood gobsmacked, "but you're a clone, you're not supposed to have these feelings. Do you really want to kiss me?" Ava nodded as she leaned in, her hand reached out, her fingers sliding through Maddy's short chocolatey brown hair, pulling her closer for her first kiss.

Maddy wanted to pull back, this was her job on the line but she couldn't help the feelings that she had grown for this clone. Ava feeling the weirdest sensation in the pit of her stomach questioned Maddy on them. It seemed Ava in return had been developing feelings as well. Feelings she was not designed to have. Maddy knew how cautious she had to proceed with what she reported, fearing what Bishop might do to this Ava, what he might do to her. She'd heard about some of his experiments and how dangerous that could make him.

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