Chapter 1

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A young girl, no older than 5, sat in a window sill. She had long brown hair resting just above her waist, bright green eyes staring off into space. A lady opened the door, she had her black hair in a tight bun, and had the same green eyes. "Felicity?" The girl spun around and replied "Hello Mummy." The woman came over to Felicity "How long have you bee-" She was cut off.  "Professor McGonagall, you are needed in the Gryffindor common room." She sighed and said "I've got to go, but when I get back we will spend some time together, I promise." The little girl looked up at the woman, she wrapped her arms around McGonagall and said "I'll head to Uncle Sev's room." McGonagall nodded and let her go. As Felicity skipped off, Minerva McGonagall rushed to Gryffindor tower. Felicity was headed to the Potion Master's room when the Head of Hufflepuff, Aunty Sprout said "Oh Felicity, dear, long time no see." Felicity nodded and babbled excitedly "Have you seen Uncle Sev?" Sprout nodded and pointed towards the greenhouse. Felicity ran into the greenhouse and wrapped her arms around Severus's leg while shouting "Guess who." Severus, who normally had a cold attitude, changed around his goddaughter, said "Hmm, how about my little lioness." Felicity giggled "No silly, it's me." Severus turned around to face Felicity, she held her hands above her head while gripping air, Severus got the hint and picked up Felicity. Felicity grabbed Severus's face with her small grubby hands and looked him in the eye. She whispered "I have a secret." Severus went along with it saying "And what might that be?" Felicity giggled, saying "You're not as scary as everyone says, I'm not scared of you one bit." Severus laughed, glad his goddaughter wasn't scared of him. Severus was finally done in the greenhouse and Felicity was falling asleep in his arms, he decided to take her back to his living quarters and tucked her into a bed, her bed for when Minerva was busy. Severus decided to grade papers while his goddaughter was sleeping. About an hour later he heard knocking on his door. He opened it and saw Minerva, who asked "Is Felicity here?" Severus nodded and brought a still sleeping Felicity to her. Minerva took her daughter and began to rub her back to wake her up. When Felicity did open her eyes she saw her mum staring back at her, she wrapped her arms around tighter while whispering "Mummy, I'm hungry."

Felicity Jane [Minerva McGonagall's daughter]Where stories live. Discover now