Part 1 - The End

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After having a horrible day, you walk out your apartment and wander around the city. 🦍

It's dark out, but the weather is perfect: cool breezes that attack your face and style your hair for you, some clouds left in the sky, and plenty of stars that glisten a little too brightly 🤔 (stars are totally part of the weather). ✨

You walk into your favorite coffee shop, Stairbooks, and order your usual overpriced drink. While waiting to feed your addiction, you bump into someone. 🥀

"Oh, sorry," you and the golden brown haired man say at the same time. You make eye contact and notice his emerald eyes 👁👁 (the emoji is brown eyes but close enough), staring at him for an uncomfortably long amount of time. He chuckles softly, when his order is ready. 🐟

"Dream?" Dream. So that's his name. The lady at the counter holds up his order (imagine mufasa holding up simba) and he goes to get it. You quickly try to make conversation, or at least keep his attention just a bit longer, but he walks away. You watch him go and notice his drink looks like the one you always order. But it's too late now, you'd probably never see this guy again. 🐒

Your order is up next and quickly grab it to go home. You just want to drink and imagine all the 'what if's' if you had got to know that guy, Dream, better. 🐀

On your way to your sad excuse of a home, you see him again. Before you know it, you're creepily going the same direction as him (yeah your house is totally in the same direction as his). He's about to cross the street, without looking both ways, and you see a car speeding toward him 🚙 He's too enamored with his coffee and doesn't notice it, so you run toward him at full speed and run him over with your body instead. 💯

"Ouch," he looks up at you and asks what that was for. You quickly explain how he was about to get run over as cars honk for you to get out of the street. Before you could finish your conversation, a car rudely plows through all the other cars like in GTA V and runs you guys over. 🚿

The Ned (the end? No it's Ned). You died with Dream in your arms. Such a romantic way to go totally 💯

Dream x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora