Intro to the characters

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Christian James. (Korean name Ji hoon Kang)
---British Korean, born and raised by mom in America. Mom British and dad Korean. Dad is a famous novelist. Dad lives in Korea while mom in America with James.

MICHAEL REID. (Korean name Michael Lee)
---Age: 26
---Korean Australian. Dad Korean and mom Australian. Had a little brother and sister and an older sister.
---Really rich. Grow up in a somewhat rich but middle averaged family.
---His family was murdered when he was 15 years. Only him and his older sister survived. His dad's partner took him and his sister in as his own kids.
----He can't wait for the day he finds the people who murdered his family, because he will give them hell.

SHANE LAY Jongcheveevat. ( People call him Shane lay)
---Age: 28
---leaves in Korea
---Was a child actor, became an idol and now he is one of the most famous actors.

Lexi Donavon. (Michael's best friend, business partner)
---Age: 26
---lives in Korea and is fluent in both English and Korean.
---She has known Michael since they were kids.
---Kim's love interest.

Kim do Jett. (Michael and Lexi's best friend.)
---Age: 26
---Met Michael and Lexi in college in Australia. They clicked since they all spoke Korean and English.
---Lexi's love interest.
----He is also Michael's bodyguard and secretary.

Serena Reid. (Michael's older sister)
---Age: 30
---fashion model and actress
---really famous and loved.
---she loves her brother so much and will do anything for him.

The space between us.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz