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' The next morning.......

I woke up early in the morning because I am so used to doing that.

I wore my exercise shoes so that I could jog around the neighborhood like I always do in the USA.

My grandmother's house is really big but the compound is even bigger and it is gated since she lives in rich people neighborhood they all want to keep to themselves. And so there are no ''HI''s and hellos as am trying to run.

In the USA everyone pretends to be nice to everyone greeting and smiling at each person that walks around you. It is kinda tiresome.

Thought I live in a rich neighborhood myself in the USA and we all have gates, all the the neighbors take walks with their dogs and kids. Take their kids to the neighborhood park, and exercise on the pavements outside everyone's rather expensive gate.

But here you can barely see any one and there are no pavements next to the homes in the part my grandmother lives in.

I didn't really leave the gate but rather ran around the whole compound and back.

I grabbed a cup of coffee from the kitchen, grabbed my grandfather's journey and sat outside in my grandmother's tea room out in the garden. I don't even know why she has a tea room, if it was a coffee room I would understand but tea. That is a British thing. The flowers smelled and looked really good which calmed me alot.

Grandfather's journey
Beware before you decide to learn the power's use. It will seem nice and all, but it has consequences. James I know you have lots of questions like what this is all about, why I decided to give it to you but not your father. And why I though that you would benefit from it the most.

Friday April 28, 2023.

"That is a year from now. Why would Grandpa log his journey for a day that is in the future and he wasn't alive for at all." I thought to myself.

It's my birthday in two days. Am excited but scared at the same time. You see our family poses a power that alot of people would kill for. The power to travel to parallel universes. Funny right, yeah the first time my father told me I thought that I was insane but it is true. Though we are not the only family that has power. Well let me tell the story like it has been told for centeries. Along long time ago there was a man. He fell in love with a woman, a woman he wasn't supposed to fall in love with because back then he was a Royal and she was just a stable girl. He loved her so much and the two's romance blossomed like nothing you've known before. But when his parents found out, they ordered the girl to be killed. They made up some crime to accuse her off. She was to be imprisoned for six months and be killed in the seventh month on the day that the Royal man's parents were planning for him to be wed. Knowing the truth, the Royal tried everything in his power to figure out a way to save her. He was really smart and often spent his time researching science things. And so he began looking for ways to escape with the girl. He figured if they were to escape, the parents would still find them since they controlled all the lands and had eyes every where. They couldn't go to neighboring kingdoms because they are not at good terms with each other.

The only way to live in peace was if they were in a different world he thought. And that is how he opened the gate to a different world. No one knows how he came to do it but he made a key that could open and close a door to the parallel world whenever he wished to.

One year after they escaped to the new world, they had their first kid. They later had six other kids. The Royal wanted to share this power with all his kids, so he melted his key down and made smaller keys from the original. He gave each of his seven kids a key but also gave a pocket watch to his first born. No one really knows the significance of the pocket watch. They'll assume it is to help one to not lose the sense of time when in the other world.

I know you are asking yourself where the door is, but truth is that no one knows. Infact no one has used the gate except the Royal. But using the gate isn't the only way to get to the parallel world. My father didn't tell me how because he wanted me to figure it out on my own. You either have to have a purpose or have to have all seven keys back together. But no one knows where they all are. We just happen to have one of them and the pocket watch. You are probably wondering how our family came to poses it right. Well your thought right. One of our ancestors is the oldest son of the royal. Meaning that we are related to the royal and the items have been passed from generation to generation.

"Generation to generation, you skipped one of the generations and gave the items to why. And you really want me to believe all this that is impossible. It can't be true." James mumbled to himself.

Saturday April 29, 2023

I am yet to find more about my families history. I was told that these keys are wanted by people who will use them for wrong if they were to get into the wrong hands.

Sunday April 30,2023

Rustle rustle. I flipped the pages over but there was nothing more written. So much for an adventure.


Morning, I replied

Would you like anything to eat.

I will grab something later when am hungry.

Ok. Sir

I said you don't have to call me sir it makes me uncomfortable. Just call me what ever you want.

Ok James

See it isn't that hard.

The house maid left.

I stayed out staring at my surroundings until I found myself falling asleep. I woke up to find myself by the beach with no clue of how I got there. The dreams that I have been getting weren't this real before. I must me really tired.

Ouch. I felt a sharp pain in my foot and when I looked down, I realized that I had stepped on a broken glass. My foot was bleeding alot. My one shoe must have come off my foot somehow because I only had one and had just a sock for my other foot. The pain from the glass felt so real like it wasn't a dream.

It is weird, the beach is really empty, usually there are people jogging and walking their dogs. I must be on the other side of the beach. Why is it night time, I could have sworn that when I was sitting outside it was day time. But then again, this is a dream so the weather, seasons and time can be what ever my brain makes it to be.

I started walking around the beach, it is really pretty with the reflection of the stars and moon in the water and the waves really loud. Bioluminescence filled in water giving it a really bright blue color.

Out in the water I see someone surfing in the middle of the night riding the blue waves. I can't really see his face, all I see is his silhouette.

He walked up to me but before I could see his face, I woke up.

Ahh.... I feel pain in my foot. Its weird, it's as if the dream was really. My foot is really injured and I only have one shoe on.

It's only been two hours since I fall asleep. The music concert is today evening and I am forced to go. It might be fun if only I knew the songs of the group performing.

We went to the concert and it was bad actually, the fans are really lively. We got back at almost five and am tired.

The next day

Today is the day for banquet party going on at my grandparents house.

It's noon but am still really tired with no hope of getting up.

It's 5:00 pm and a lot of sophisticated and important people showed up.

The scene wasn't for me so I decided to go by the lake and take a walk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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