oh god it's positive

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Duncan's POV

~1 week later~

I woke up to a sound coming from the bathroom I was confused at first but then realized Kim isn't beside me I went to the bathroom door Kim are you ok I asked outside the door don't come in she shouted ok just tell me are you ok I said well if this is ok then I'm gonna kill myself she said

Kim's POV

He chuckled at me saying that hey Duncan will you go make me some coffee please I asked yeah sure back now he said what's wrong with me why do I keep being sick then something popped into my head could I be pregnant at that moment I went into the cupboard and got a pregnancy test in 3 minutes the answer came through oh god its positive was the first thing I could think of what am I gonna do I got to speak to Hannah its the only thing I can do I got changed ran downstairs and straight past Duncan and said going out see you in a bit bye then I went straight to Hannah's island.

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