what's happening

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hannah's POV
after the phone call i went straight to pandalabs i could hear the babies crying i went straight to them and cast a teleportation spell that toke me straight home when i arrived lewis woke up by the babies crying whats happening he said when he came down kim and duncan have been arrested by the magic police call everyone get them all here quickly we must get them here now i said after everyone arrived they all looked to me for answers guys weve got a problem i said whats wrong and why is kim and duncans babies here just about everyone said at the same time kim has been aressted by the magic police theres only two officers but from what kim told me its lalnable hector and sjip i said oh no sjin said exactly now we need to get them out but theres one problem they are very powerful in magic i sensed it when i went to kims house so we need a plan a really good one i said do you mean they have stronger magic than kim simon said no they have about the same amount i said were screwed said martyn no were not said lewis then the room started to go dark whats happening everyone said i dont know its magic i said look said minty she pointed to lalna and flux theyre showing us something i said the magic swirled into the middle of the room and started to form a picture is that.... sjin said yep thats the old blackrock castle i said do you mean they want us to ask rythian to help sjin said with a gulp

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