6 months later

33 1 0

Takumi POV

I got a girlfriend?

She's nice, and pretty. She also has a sense of humour. She does make me happy. Atleast I think
She had to do a lot of persuading to get me out on a date with her.

But her "Love" felt nothing like Misaki's did.

Her name is Akagi
She has brown hair and blue eyes.
But when I look into them they look dishonest. But I shook it off.

We done a lot together for a couple months. We treated each other nicely and I've taken her out on dates. But she seemed to grow distant and toxic.

So the next day I went to her apartment and found that she has been cheating on me with some other guy and that she never really loved me. I don't know how I became so gullible.

After Misaki died it softened me a bit I guess.

So what I did next was I hardend my shell. I isolated myself and done my own thing.
I became cold.

But all I want is Misaki back.

Sorry Usui is a bit OOC

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