One More Chance

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Beyonce Pov

It been almost two months since me and Nic been back together.

I finishing getting dress so shot me and meek video.

"Bae you gonna post some tease on insta?" Nic ask

"Well duh, I think they have right to know a little sum" I giggle

"Mhm so what the video post to be about" she sat on the bed

"Uh mhm love" I quietly said

"Oh are y'all gonna kiss" She look at me

My phone start ringing I hurry and answer it

"Hello" I said

"Um Bey you like late and Joseph have other artists to deal with" He spoke

"I'm on my way don't get smart, and you need to shut your damn mouth" I blew at kiss at Nic and walk out the house

At the set

"Meek" I yelled

"Damn bey" he turn around

Damn, clam down bey handle your self

"Hey Meek" I hug him

"Hey, are you gaining weight" He poke my belly

"Ow, I bearly eat anything I don't know how could i, but I go to gym almost every day" I said

"you need me there" He laugh

"I think about it" I walk to my dressing room where my crew was waiting on me

"Bey hurry in change into this" she pulled a dress out with gold with diamonds and long part in the back.

I change and my hairstylist straight my hair and my makeup and I put non some gold heels.

"Go to backyard " they direct me

I was walking my way to the back and I saw a couple people I know.

"Wow Bey you look beautiful" Meek grab my hand

"Awe thanks" I blush

"Guys y'all gonna be walking holding hands" Joseph direct us

I held on meek hand as walking and laughing.

"CUT" Jo yelled

Meek let go if my hand and walk away

"So what do I do" I look up

"The car" He point

I got in the car and put my hands on the wheel.

I singing and looking at the cameras then I saw Nicki smiling at me, I keep singing till it was over.

"Change, then go to the bed with meek"

I hurry running not showing eye contact with Nicki, I fail she was following me

"Jenni hurry" I slide of my dress, kicking my shoes off

"What happen" she handed me a bra with a cute little skirt

"Nuh-uh you ain't wearing that" Nicki was standing at the door

"You ain't my mother" I look at her with now emotion

I put my clothes on and put my lotion on and put my hair curly, and white heels.

"You didn't mention having a sex with meek" She mumble

"You act like we actually having sex" I semi yelled

"But it already happen" she sat in my chair

"We wasn't even together when it happen, so it shouldn't matter" I yelled at her

"Oh, but we see how you look in three weeks" she got up and slam the door

Lord help me

I walk down the inside set, and meek was waiting for me

I walk inside swinging my hips side to side, i sat on the bed while the fan was blowing my hair

"Ight, now you gonna be touching yourself and meek will come and lay down and you will climb on top and we move around and y'all gonna sit up and BOOM KISS" Jo guided us

"Okay" I clap my hands

"3,2,1" he start recording

I was on the bed letting my hair blow and I was in my knees and touching my legs throwing my head back

Meek walk in pulling me ontop of him and his hands wrap around my waist, the beat was playing in the back-ground

"Kiss me" he whisper

I kiss him and he made it deeper and I wrap my hands around his neck

"Keep going" Jo whisper

He turn me around and let me go

We got out the bed and he push me down on the bed and start touching me and I didn't know nicki was watching.

He pick me up and kiss me and let me down

"Perfect" Jo clap

I giggles and gave meek a hug

"What the song called" Jo ask

"Mistakes" Meek Answer

I nodded and walk away to Nicki

"Bae" I kiss her cheek

"Don't touch me after you with that crusty thang" She push me away

"Mhm I love it when you eat " I wink and laugh

Bey House

"It's only 9 o'clock and I'm hungry" I complain

"I'm almost done bitch" nicki smack her lips

"Well hurry the fuck up" I yelled

"Girls if you don't sit yo ass down" She rolled her eyes

"Yeah whatever" I threw a ball at her

"Imma send you to Aliya" she threaten

"This my house hoe" i smile

"Suck a nigga dick" she smirk

"I will at 11" I smile giggling

"Oh who" She look at me

"Yours" I got up and I felt a rush of throwing up come to my body

I ran the bathroom and start throwing up, I start crying cause it hurt my stomach

"Bae" nicki pulled my hair up

"I'm hurting" I cried flush the toilet

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