🌷By The Beach🌷

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1st of all.. 400+ reads and 24 votes?! WHAT??

Thank you so much!! Ahhhh! I'm so happy! I'm glad you're all liking this book so far!

Last night I had finished this story, but my WiFi went out AND IT DIDN'T SAVE?? So I had to rewrite- sorry for the long wait!

This story was requested by: @IKo-7I

Thanks again for the requests, you guys! They're all appreciated!

This story is a Kiibouma Oneshot!

Siren Oma x Kiibo


Author/Kiibo Pov:

"Thanks again!" The human-like robot said as he waved, exiting the small market.

He made his way to the sidewalk with a couple of bags he had gotten from the market.

Kiibo walked on the sidewalk as he let his mind drift.

'I think there's enough time to go to the beach before dawn, right?' Kiibo thought, 'Yeah. I'll just leave when the sun sets.'

Luckily, Kiibo didn't buy anything that needed to be immediately refrigerated. Just a few bottles of water, crackers, and an umbrella.

Kiibo had learnt his lesson the day before. He had forgotten to buy an umbrella, so he was exposed to the rain and was rusted. Yes, this was a bit sad since Kiibo actually liked the rain immensely, but as a robot, there was not much he could do about it.

Kiibo could go to the beach and swim in the water now since his creator had adjusted and replaced his old metal that had rusted. The creator had replaced it with new metal, but this time adding a waterproof surface.
His creator wanted Kiibo to enjoy being a robot, and he hated when Kiibo was sad.

Kiibo made it to the beach and started to use an empty bag to collect shells.

Kiibo always liked to collect things he found on the beach. He also liked watching the sunset. Cliche, but honestly relaxing.

As Kiibo was walking, he saw a bright purple conch shell on a Boulder near the water.

No one was there, so it wasn't surprising that no one had grabbed it yet.

It was breathtaking, really. It was a bright lilac purple that basically glowed every time the sun was on it.

Kiibo was excited at his find. He didn't expect any conch shell to be *this* type of purple. The only ones he's seen had been plain, yet they were still pretty.

He curiously went over to the boulder and picked up the shell.

"This is such a pretty shell.." Kiibo said. He examined it as he sat on the boulder.

The sun was about to go down, and the boulder was a great spot to watch the sunset.

Kiibo carefully set the conch shell down in the bag and proceeded to stare at the ocean.

I mean, he was able to touch the water, but he had never actually swam before.

Yes, he was an AI, but he had never been given the knowledge to swim.

He sighed, a bit sad, but he continued to enjoy the beautiful view.

Kiibo truly admired how the sun glistened on the ocean. It made the water look almost as if it were sparkling.


Kiibo was a bit startled at the noise, but he ignored it. I mean, this is an ocean. There's bound to be these types of noises.

"HEY! Where's my conch shell?! I thought I left it here!" A child-like voice said. He seemed a bit upset.

Kiibo screeched and turned to the voice with a horrified look. He didn't expect anyone to be there.

That's when he was met with a.. human? No.. they weren't human. They had a tail?

"Ohhh! What do we have here?" The purplenette said as he tilted his head.

"U-uhm.. Hi there. I'm Kiibo! You are?" Kiibo questioned and said nervously, still calming down.

"Kokichi!" "Anyways, what's a robot like you doing here? Don't you scraps of metal get rusted near water?" Kokichi asked, with a sly grin.

"H-HEY! That's robophobic!" Kiibo started, "My creator added a protective layer to my metal... so I can go near the water without rusting."

"Oh! You have feelings?? My bad." Kokichi said as he snickered, "Nishishi!~"

Kiibo shot Kokichi a glare as he had blush on his face from embarrassment.

"Of course I have feelings! What makes you think I don't?!"

"Maybe because you're a rob-"

"Nevermind." "What even.. are you? Sorry if that sounds a bit rude."

"I am a siren, my dear metal scrap!~"

"H-hey! Don't make such robophobic remarks like that! And my name is Kiibo! Not 'metal scrap'.."

"Whatever you say!~"

"I've never met a siren before. I've only ever heard of them in folklore my creator has read to me."

"Well now you can say you have! I've met a few robots before, but I think you're wayy more interesting." Kokichi said with a wink.

This made Kiibo's face a little heated.

'H-huh? Why do I feel like this..? I've never felt this way before.'

"Hmm? Oh, is Kiiboy falling for me already? Mannnnn! And it's only been a couple of minutes since we've met! I must be pretty irresistible~"

"F-falling for you?! Kokichi!" Kiibo stuttered out with an even more flushed face.

"What?~ I mean, it's not hard to fall for me. I am good looking, aren't i?~" the short bot quizzed as he raised his brow.

"Well ma- wait!! K-Kokichi! Stop it.."

"Okie dokie!~ how about you wait here for a sec? I'll be back.. I just have to get something."

"Okay." The robot replied

Kiibo went back to looking at the ocean. The sun was about to set, so he would have to leave soon.

He was glad he found a real friend. He never really talked to anyone other than his creator. No one would give him a chance. 'Wait.. Friend??'
We're they even friends??

Kokichi came back to the surface with something in his hands behind Kiibo.

He quickly jumped out of the water and placed it on Kiibo's head.

"W-what?! What's this?" Kiibo asked as he felt the crown on his head.

"It's a flower crown, silly. I was able to get someone to bring me some lilies from a pond so that I could make it! I thought you'd like it."

Kiibo blushed as he felt a soft smile come to his face.

"Thank you, Kokichi.. I love it"

"No problem! I'm glad you like it. You look adorable with it.." Kokichi murmured the last part, but the robot had heard.

They both sat there in a bit of silence, both blushing.

"Oh, and here's your conch shell. I'm really sorry for taking it. I didn't know it was yours."

"You can keep the conch shell. It'll be like a token of our new friendship!" The siren said with a big genuine smile.

"R-really?! Thank you!" The robot also smiled.

"I have to go now, but I'll come back tomorrow, same time!!" Kiibo said as he noticed that the sun had set.

"Alright. See ya later, Kiibo!~ It was nice meeting you!" The shorter male said as he blushed a bit.

The robot waved as he left towards his home.

Both were happy..

They weren't alone anymore.

Kokichi x (drv3 characters) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now