Part I

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Tom Riddle was lurking by the coffee machine again. And by lurking, Harry meant practically draped over the machine in a failed attempt at a casual lean. Didn't the man have anything other to do, like work, instead of existing solely to annoy Harry?

Every inch of Harry's mind was screaming 'ABORT', because he knew that the insufferable prick would start teasing him about his caffeine addiction. Harry was surprised that his intolerable boss hadn't acquired one yet, as Harry wasn't the one who had practically set up camp by the damned machine. If anything, it should be bloody Riddle who had a problem, not him. And Riddle already had a plethora of problems. Like the personal boundaries issue, or the need for constant meetings that just rehashed everything the team had already discussed the day before. Seriously, who scheduled their employees to start back at work the day after Christmas? They were an office stationery company, who the hell cared about staples over New Year's?

Too late. Riddle, his ever-teasing slave-driving monster of a boss had seen him before he could furtively crab-step away. Harry couldn't exactly turn around now, with his limited edition 'Minions' coffee mug held limp in his hand. He swallowed his annoyance and made the last few metres over to the machine, stubbornly ignoring Riddle whose gaze he could feel tracking every step. He half-expected the man to pull out a few charts analysing Harry's coffee habit, along with a down-to-the-minute schedule of when Harry's cravings would hit.

Harry silently placed his mug under the machine's nozzle, wishing for the umpteenth time that the office would buy a better one. His sub-par coffee was seriously affecting the quality of his work! Riddle, his perfectionist and streamlined-efficient boss should be more concerned about that than the twenty-two minute lunch breaks he was proposing to the higher-ups. As the machine slowly chugged to life and started to drizzle liquid ambrosia into his mug, Riddle decided to start to being his usual pratty self.

"That's the second time you've refilled that mug in 56 minutes."

How the hell was he so precise? Oh, that's right - Riddle was part robot.

"Thank you, I forgot to log it down earlier." Harry quipped, turning to face Riddle with a sickeningly sweet smile. It only slightly annoyed him when Riddle smiled at him in return, as if Harry actually had a bloody record book or coffee diary. Dammit – Harry was not trying to be genuine here!

"I've been thinking…" Riddle drawled, just as the coffee machine started to sputter out the last of the lukewarm beverage. Harry couldn't help himself.

"Congratulations." He deadpanned, inwardly cheering in victory when a flash or irritation passed across Riddle's face for a second. Hmm, only a second. He'll aim for longer next time.

"Anyway," Riddle started again, keeping a careful eye out for any interruptions on Harry's part. When there weren't any coming, he continued. "I've decided that we should go ice skating this weekend."

Harry's jaw nearly hit the floor.

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