Part V

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They returned to the wall – thankfully, with no more incidents. Both Riddle and Harry settled into silence as they started testing the ice again, one hand on the wall for balance. As Riddle slowly became more comfortable on the ice, leaving the wall to skate around other newbies and returning when he lost his balance, Harry began looking for revenge.

There! Some of the ice had been kicked up when the pro-skaters skidded to a halt, leaving a deep scar in the ice. Harry scooped up a handful, the ice quickly numbing his naked hand, but he ignored it – quickly skating ahead to catch up with Riddle.

When he was directly behind Riddle, the man holding onto the wall as a swarm of penguin-wielding toddlers skated past, he called out the his name. Riddle turned around, and his face quickly became plastered with ice as Harry hurled his makeshift snowball at his boss.

Harry laughed as Riddle silently wiped off the 'snow', his expression impassive. However, Harry's laugh soon died off as Riddle looked at him blankly, suddenly worrying if he had gone too far. Then, Harry's eyes caught a few crystals still hanging on to the outside of Riddle's lip, and before he knew it he was cleaning them off with an outstretched finger.

Riddle stared at Harry, and Harry, who had just come to his senses, snapped his hand back to his side as if burnt.

"I – I was just - " Harry stammered, hating himself for being so nervous. He was just what? Feeling the sudden urge to poke his boss's face?

Riddle smiled, but it was real this time – the skin around his eyes crinkled and for the first time Harry noticed how blue they were. Riddle's face moved closer to Harry, and at the same time Harry knew what was about to happen but also disbelieving that it would.

Then Riddle was kissing Harry. His lips may have been cold from the ice but to Harry it felt like they were burning, setting Harry aflame.
Riddle probably intended it as a gentle kiss, his mouth soft and gentle against Harry's, not at all what he ould have expected from the man
Harry had always called a heartless robot.
But Harry was an addict in more ways than just coffee, and he surprised himself in that he didn't just return the kiss - he wanted more. He pressed into Riddle, greedily watching those narrowed eyes widen as he sunk into the older man, demanding -

Riddle obliged with a smirk that Harry felt rather than saw, and for once there was nothing more to his world than the man in front of him. His hands scrambled for a purchase on Riddle's coat, Riddle's broad frame encircling him and holding him steady as Harry asked for more -

And that was his mistake, as they both went tumbling onto the ice, Harry having a softer landing and Riddle soon to be smarting a bruise on his side where Harry landed.

"Fuck," Harry breathed out.

"Liked that, then?" Riddle replied, and Harry could hear the smugness in his voice.
He grinned, "I was referring to your inability to keep us steady, actually. Must have forgot to grease the gears, I'm sure I can find some lubricant around here somewhere."

Riddle's eyes darkened, and his smirk became almost predatory. "Was that a proposition, Harry?"

"What? No - Riddle, get your mind out the gutter -"
Riddle laughed, shaking his head.
Harry tried to hide a smile, standing up and offering his hand to Riddle.
"Here, grab on."
He pulled Riddle up onto his feet, ignoring the heat Riddle's hand where it was tightly gripping his arm, the undeniable pleasure curling in Harry's spine from the almost bruising grip and oh god the implications of that -

Riddle's other hand grabbed Harry's chin, softly, caressing – bringing Harry back to reality. His grey eyes, usually so steely and hard were tender and kind, and Harry swallowed heavily.

"How about we get off the ice, and get some coffee?" Riddle suggested, smiling as Harry's eyes instantly lit up.

"God, yes." The promise of coffee instantly erased any of his nerves, the mere temptation of it sending a bolt of adrenaline to his heart, which was already outrageously fluttering.

"That would be perfect."

[HPxTR] Frozen CoffeeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ