misunderstanding (scenario)

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Context: so (y/n) tells info that she has a crush but info misunderstands and gets jealous.

•(Y/n) was just minding her business thinking of info when the strawberry headed girl sees her

•Info: "hey (Y/n)"

•(Y/n): "oh! Heya info" you looked away and blushed/ looked away bashfully

•Info: "what's with that look?"

•(Y/n): "oh, it's n-nothing

•Info: "well that was an obvious lie"

•(Y/n): "I- *sigh* I guess I should tell you. I, have a crush on someone"

•Info: "you, you do?"

•(Y/n): "yeah! And I'm going to tell her at the cherry blossom"

•Info: "oh, ok.."

•the bell rang and you both parted ways

•info got back to her room, jealous as all hell (she would never admit that though), and found a note on one of her monitor's

•the note said as follows "hi! You probably don't know who this is but, could you meet me at the cherry blossom? Hope to see you there!  ~secret admirer

•info: "the fuck-"

•the red head made her way out to the famous cherry blossom and waited for whoever wrote to her, all the while wondering how they got into her room

• she had been waiting for around 20 minutes and she began to think it was some sort of joke, but she then noticed you running up to her

•Info: "(Y/n)? What are YOU doing here?"

•(Y/n): *panting* "I just wanted to tell you something"

•Info: "what do you want?"

•(Y/n): "I-I, I LOVE YOU INFO CHAN!" (Y/n) looked away in embarrassment and fear

•info stared at you for a bit before blushing the same colour as her hair

•Info: *windows shut down noises*

(Sorry this is more like a oneshot)

info-chan girlfriend scenarios and Oneshots (Yuri)Where stories live. Discover now