New Girl

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Lucy: sooooooo I see you met Conner
Cecelia: yeah basically knocked the man down

Lucy: don't feel bad he can be a jerk off sometimes

Stranger : Lucy make sure your at the party tonight, I heard Conner is gonna be there and I need you to stop by my house to make sure I pick the right outfit and- oh

A girl with golden brown hair white teeth and green eyes stared back into mine

Lucy: this is Cecelia
Cecelia: just CeCe
Lucy: she'll be joining us for the party tonight.

Amanda: hi it's nice meeting you...I'll see you tonight.

She walks off as she flicks her golden brown hair behind her

Cecelia: what's her deal?
Lucy: she's got this big thing for Conner they dated about 2 months ago...highschool sweet hearts....but if you ask me he's got his eyes on someone else

Cecelia: who?
Lucy: nevermind that let's go home..uhhh you'll meet me at my place? Here's my number
Cecelia: yeah sure of course
Lucy: see ya 😉
I can't believe that in just one day I had two friends in which I didn't plan on having
But this Conner guy....something different about Conner....he's basically all Amanda from what Im hearing and I don't want any part in that...

Cecelia I better head home...

Cecelia BellanWhere stories live. Discover now