Conner you fuck tard

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Seven: I'll get it
Cecelia: who could possibly be at the door right now? I my god it's Conner again...

Conner: hi Ms. Ballen is CeCe around?
Seven: why yes come right on in I'll get her for you

Cecelia: what are you doing here? I peek around the corner

Conner: uhhhhhhhhh well you see
Seven: and I'll just leave you two too it then !
CeCe: dude what are you doing here?
She begins walking to the kitchen
Conner: I wanted to see you is that so wrong?
Cecelia: you know Amanda-
Conner moves close to her face almost too close
Conner: what about her?
Cecelia: is there anything that you wanted
She moves away
CeCe: not that I'm busy or anything I just wanted to know if you came over here specifically for something
Conner: yeah I had a question to ask you
Cecelia: you came...all this way..just to ask a question? You couldn't do that over the phone?
CeCe laughs in disbelief
Conner: there's this party in throwing at my place I want you to come.
Cecelia: have you asked Amanda?
Conner: I might I haven't asked anyone yet I kinda just thought this up right now.
Cecelia: ohhh your good real smooth
Look whatever okay? I didn't really care if you had asked someone already or not besides we're just friends
Conner: is that... Really what this is? Or is that what you want it to be?
Cecelia: sure maybe I'll have to think about it I might be busy .
She wasn't busy at all but she was knew to the school and Amanda hadn't been rude to her well not out loud and besides Amanda was her friend and so was Lucy.
Conner: ok well I'll start getting things planned for this weekend I'll see you then
He smiles at Cecelia knowing she'd come.
Cecelia: man what does this guy really want ?
I can't just go to his house which is basically my friends ex boyfriend...
Lexis: girl please it's her ex right? Besides everyone is gonna be there and no one is gonna know that he asked you first right?
Cecelia: yeah if that's even true but like I said that doesn't matter
Lexis : seems like it
Cecelia flops on her bed talking to her longtime friend lexis who she had spent most of her time with before she moved away
Waylen high was the first school she spent 2 years at . The two were always together
Cecelia: it's just idk he's cute and funny and smart but I'm not ruining my friendshio for a guy you know guys come and they go...
Lexis: well we'll just have to see what happens I mean maybe he's just really friendly
Cecelia: trust me I highly doubt that one
Lexis: hey listen I gotta go but I'll call you tomorrow?
Cecelia: yeah sure have a good night 🌃 love you
Lexis : yeah love you

See the thing is  lexis only hung up because Cecelias ex Shawn Shawn was there who CeCe still had feelings for but they both never really talked about it only just a few times.

Cecelia:hmmm I wonder what she had to
Cecelia: I'll definitely drop by her house later
Yeah that's what I'll do for sure.

The next day at school

Cecelia had spent all night thinking maybe it was time to see her ex so that Conner would finally be free from her mind

Lucy: hey sexyyyy lady
Cecelia: god you scared me say something next time will ya?
Lucy: hey your still stopping by later right?
Cecelia: yeah sure I just have to find something to wear
Lucy: you know what I can help with that how about I come over right after school and we'll see what we can pick from your closet

CeCe: hey did you hear about conners party?
Lucy opens her locker suprised I even know about it yet.
Lucy: yeah he made a huge announcement this morning which you've missed actually.
My locker was right next to Lucy's thankfully.
I see Conner staring at me down the hall I look away and pretend not to see him but Lucy notices
Lucy: uhhh what was that?
CeCe: what was what?
Lucy: nvm
Cecelia: Lucy come on
Lucy: I'm not getting caught up in that one you know how Amanda is
Amanda: know how I am about what?
Lucy and CeCe are quiet for a moment
Lucy: about how you are when you need to get pretty for Conner
Amanda: oh that's right yeah I'm glad to see you girls. I was up on the phone with Conner all night
Lucy: you two seriously get on my nerves
Amanda laughs she seemed to be in a good mood today

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