Forever and always "i love you"

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You're perfect for me. I just know it. The way we bond when we go out to the park just for the hell of it. If I am not your soulmate, I don't know what's wrong with the world. E + L forever.
Those were the exact words written into Euphoria's diary. She would write in it everyday, like you would to a best friend. Telling them all the stories of good and bad things that happened that day. It was her way of getting her feelings out. No one would read it, but it helped. Euphoria made her way over to the desk in the corner of her small, dark room. She opened the second draw of her desk and put her diary into it. She closed the draw and walked back over to her bed and jumped onto it, landing on her back.

She looked up to the ceiling and thought to herself; "I wonder what I'll be doing in, hmm. Let's see. 10 years time" she smiled. "Married to Lizzie, a beautiful daughter and 3 dogs,". She wasn't sure about that though, well not all of it at least. She was uncertain about the dogs and daughter part. But she was sure she would be married or at least dating Liz by then. They were truly solemates.

Suddenly, there was a buzz from next to her. She twisted to the side to see her phone. Euphoria sat up and picked it up. She stared at the phone screen so see it's was from Liz. It read; "goodnight, I love you, E," She smiled. Lizzy did really love her, she knew. Not even the hottest person in the world could tear them apart. She typed in her password '0001' and started typing back, "Goodnight. My dearest Liz,". She sent it and put her phone back on her dresser. She slouched down and pulled her grey sheets over her. Her head was filled with so many thoughts, all about the same girl. Lizzy.

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