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❝As long as you are under the same stars as mine, I'll be okay.❞



Autumn Beck, a sarcastic italian journalism major studying at NYU.

Tatum never commits. Not to a place, a home, and especially not to boys. From her famous absent father and NFL star brothers to the anxiety that's plagued her life, She has her hands full. She's converted her time to parties and late-night bookstore shifts. Tatum's golden rule, Pounce then Bounce.

She doesn't believe in love, while he's never loved anyone but himself.

Ashton Stone, Quarterback & Captain on the NYU Stallions, and everyone's favorite playboy.

He's got everything a typical college guy would dream about; a high spot in the NFL draft, money, girls, and fame. The best combination for the perfect life but when he meets the brunette italian with a backbone, that all goes flying out the window.

When their stars align, let's hope they don't burn and crash.


authors note.

helloo, welcome to my first ever book!

I've been planning this out for quite some time now, waiting for an opportunity to actually write them somewhere other than my notes app. I am in no way a professional writer, just a teenager who loves to read and whatnot, so this book is definitely not going to be the best written.

okay before anything else; disclaimer this is a slow burn! although it's not super slow, do not expect them to confess their love for each other within the first 10 chapters. the characters are also human so expect some aspect of a toxic relationship.

Many characters of the book play/speak about football and while I enjoy my fair share of yelling at the pats, I know close to nothing about football slang and plays. Feel free to correct me anytime you see something off.

The book is told in multiple povs, although I'm still deciding on whether or not to add any of the side characters or an occasion third person pov; as of right now you'll only be reading from Tatum and Asher's point of view.

The MC is of Italian descent and fluent in the language, while the other MC is also pretty fluent so there will be scenes where they talk or slip some Italian into their conversations.  Any language other than English is from google translate so feel free to nicely correct it in the comments. 

Important: the translations will be added in the comments and not in the paragraph itself.

Another fun fact is that I am extremely indecisive and will probably end up deleting and re-editing chapters a shit ton. The storyline right now is pretty solid but it could all change pretty quickly.

I'll also be tackling hard topics—mainly eating disorders, toxic relationships, etc.—which I know are sore subjects for a handful of readers but I'd like to bring awareness to them. I will never in no shape or form, romanticize these triggers. Small disclaimer that I will not be adding warnings at the beginning of chapters, just knows that these will frequently be mentioned.

warning this book includes:

mature language

alcohol & drug usage/mention

mentions of drug abuse

sexual scenes

eating disorders

toxic relationships

manipulative behavior

mentions of physical, sexual, & mental abuse



Tatum Beck

Asher Stone✎

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Asher Stone


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started : 7/23/21

ended : ongoing



#7 - sportsromance

#24 - sports

#62 - flirty


find me on.

pinterest: @brunetterains

coming soon - instagram: @brunetterains

spotify: @brunetterains


love y'all and on with the book!

-lily xx

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