Untitled Part 1

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5 AM and Docs up like always, smiling at his young lover laying beside him. he leaves a quick kiss on the youngers cheek and heads for the bathroom. he doesn't feel as stiff or painful as normal and he's hopeful that means today will be a good day. he smiled to himself, hoping that means he and Lightning can go a few rounds at the Butte before coming home to do a few rounds of the more fun kind in their shared bed. its not until he looks in the mirror to see if he needs to shave that he realizes something is wrong. despite himself, he's unable to stop the scream of horror that escapes his throat, sounding different from normal.

"Doc!?" Monty shouts falling out of bed. he runs over to the bathroom and stares in shock. "ohhhhh what the fuck...." he mutters stunned and breathless. Doc wipes around and stares at him. "ohhh god. what the fuck..." Monty mutters.

"what the hell did you slip me!?" Doc shouts.

"me!? I'm not the one who magically de-aged over night! you gotta be like 30 years old!" Lightning shouted.

"oh god I'm gonna puke." Doc muttered, turning around and dropping to his knees beside the toilet and puking up his guts. Monty hesitantly stepped back.

"stay here I'm gonna go get Sheriff!" Lightning shouted, running from the bathroom as fast as his legs could carry him. he just about to run into Sheriffs house when he bursts out looking horrified and somewhere around 30 years old like Doc. "oh god not you too." Lightning said.

"where's Doc?!" Sheriff ask.

"in the bathroom shocked into puking." Lightning said. he runs for Mack and Reds house, because this cannot be happening. he slams their door open and runs into their bedroom. "MACK!" he shouts, opening their bedroom door. both Mack and Red jerk up. "oh god you guys too!?" Monty cries looking at them. Mack looks at him confused before turning to look at Red and screaming. both catapult themselves from the bed in different directions, peaking up over the edge of the bed to look at one another.

"what the fuck...." Mack trails staring at Red. the other man looks absolutely terrified.

"I'm not sure whats happening, get to mine and Docs house." Lightning said. he turned and ran out of the door. was the whole town suddenly younger except him!? he ran into the Cozy Cone where he found Sally staring at herself in a mirror. "Sally?" Monty ask. she turned to him looking terrified.

"whats going on?" she ask.

"just get to mine and Docs house." he says. "I gotta get the rest of the town." he murmurs. he turns and runs out the door. gathering everyone up and sending them to Docs house, before joining them. he walks in and looks at his friends. Mack and Red look to be no older than 18 or 19, Sally is somewhere around 20, Guido and Luigi are at most 22, Mater looks about 23, Flo and Ramone look to be about 27 maybe 28 years old, Sarge looks like he's maybe 30, and Fillmore looks to be maybe 25 or so. Lightning stares at them in shock, confused out of his mind. they're standing around the living room looking at each other confused. they all seem okay except Doc and Sheriff. Doc has a trash can in front of him, head in his hands, while he leans forward on the couch. Sheriff is sitting beside him rubbing his back as he pukes into the can. Monty sees Red over in the corner clinging to Mack and having an anxiety attack, but it looks like Mack has it under control. "oh shit just got weird..." Monty mumbles.

"whats going on?" Flo ask.

"I... I have no idea... anyone hurt?" Monty ask.

"I don't think so, I think we're all just shocked." Sheriff mumbles. Lightning walks over and kneels in front of Doc.

"you okay?" he asks. Doc blinks at him slowly, face pale and tinted green. he simply stares at the still younger man and Monty nods, standing. "Mack runs over to the clinic and grab something that'll help him stop puking." Monty ordered. Mack nodded and ran out of the house.

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