Desert Magic 2 2/2

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"...'kay...?" Lightning said watching him warily.

"but in exchange, if you like the ice cream, you have to tell me about your mom okay? do we have a deal?" Doc ask. Lightning tensed up a little. "okay look, hold on. I'll let you try the ice cream first before you make up your mind." Doc said. he got up from the booth.

"wh-where are you going?" Lightning ask, tensing up.

"just gonna go get the ice cream from Flo. okay?" Doc ask softly. immediately he whined throwing his arms out.

"no! don't leave! I'm sorry! I'll be good! I promise! I'll tell you what ever you want! please don't leave me!" he cried. Doc froze and looked at the little boy standing in the booth, begging him not to leave and sobbing. it made sense why he was always poking around and getting as much information as to where any of his friends were going, his mother had probably just left him unable to deal with the abuse. Lightning probably had abandonment issues.

"hey. there's no need for that. come here kid." Doc murmured, scooping him up gently. "I can take you with me up there." Doc assures gently. he wrapped his arms tightly around Docs neck, sniffling and trembling. Doc holds him carefully.

"what have you done to that poor boy?" Flo glared at Doc.

"I got up from the booth without him." Doc said, shifting Lightning gently.

"thats just mean isn't it sweetie?" Flo ask, smiling at the boy. he tightened his hold around Doc, turning away from her. "oh I get it, I'm scary too hmm?" Flo ask.

"did you get the ice cream ready?" Doc ask.

"I've gotta thaw it a little." Flo frowned. "but I do have a cookie." Flo offered holding it towards the boy. Lightning wipes at his face and looks at her, dropping his head against Docs chest, sniffling. "its just a cookie." Flo assures gently. Lightning turned his head away from her and burying his face in Docs chest.

"what you don't want a cookie?" Doc ask.

"no." Lightning mumbled, sniffling.

"okay. we're going to go sit down, let me know when its thawed enough he cant eat some." Doc said.

"give me a minute and I'll bring it over, you just go sit down." Flo said. Doc nodded slightly and walked back over to the booth. Red is there sitting with Mack.

"who made him cry." Red glared, reaching for him. Lightning reached for him immediately, shocking Doc, but he passed the younger over.

"Doc tried to get up out of the booth without him." Mack said. Doc sat across from them.

"why does he trust you?" Doc ask.

"because he's like a little brother to me." Red said. then he shrugged a shoulder. "plus Iet him wear my firefighter helmet." Red smiled slightly, handing the younger his badge. Sheriff had gotten him one that said 'chief firefighter' a few years ago. Lightning took the badge before wiggling free from Reds arms. he let the boy stand up in his lap and reach across the table. Doc pushed his drawings over once he realized the kid was reaching for them. Lightning sat the badge down and haled a page out to Red. he smiled and took it. "thank you. I'll put it in his fire truck." Red smiled, folding it up and putting it in his pocket.

"here." Flo grinned setting down a small bowl of ice cream. she'd covered it in strawberry syrup and sprinkles, the same why Lightning always ate ice cream.

"okay kid. I'll let you try it but you have to come over here." Doc said. Lightning held the badge in his hand and cuddled to Red.

"you can take my badge with you." Red assures gently. Lightning looked at the badge.

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