Desert Magic 2 1/2

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Doc knew it was going to be a strange day the moment he woke up to quiet giggling. he mumbled slightly. things had been weird any way for the past few weeks. ever since some weird lady had driven through town with pentagrams on her car and shouting things at Lizzy. first Lizzy had died, then a week later everyone but Lightning suddenly dropped in age. now he was hearing giggling. he groaned lowly getting up.

"sounds like Docs awake." Sally giggled from the living room. Doc mumbled in confusion and walked into the living room. he froze for a moment, staring.

"what is that?" Doc ask.

"he is your little boyfriend." Sally laughed, ruffling the little blond curls happily. Lightning scold at her, smacking her hand away.

"fuck off." he mumbled. Doc blinked in confusion a moment, before shaking his head.

"I need coffee." he mumbles. "what happened?" he ask from the kitchen.

"I found him wondering outside. his head was bleeding pretty bad." Sally said. Doc heard the sounds of little feet on the floor and turned around, looking down.

"you guys get t' be in your 20's and I'm six!" Lightning snapped, glaring at Doc.

"well I didn't do it." Doc huffed.

"its not fair!" Lightning glared stomping his foot and glaring up at him.

"well acting like a baby isn't going to help." Doc said, picking him up and putting him on the counter.

"I'm tired and angry and Sally won't let me have my coffee." Lightning hissed, snatching Docs cup of coffee.

"yeah, and you're not getting any." Doc said, taking his cup back carefully. Lightning growled.

"fine! I'll just get coffee from Red." Lightning mumbled. standing to jump off the counter.

"don't you dare!" Doc hissed. Lightning flinched back looking at him, almost hesitantly. "I am not spending my day fixing whatever bones you break jumping from that counter." Doc hissed.

"I won't break anything." Lightning huffs. Doc grabbed him and put him on the ground. Lightning stuck his tongue out at him and headed for the door. it took standing on his tippy toes, but he managed to get the door open and took off outside.

"kid!" Doc shouted. Lightning stumbled down the stairs, falling on his face.

"stupid stubby legs." he grumbled, getting up. he dusted off and headed for Reds house. "Red! hey! lemme in!" Lightning shouted. Red opened the door and frowned. "I'm down here. that stupid witch shrank me!" Lightning glared. Red looked down and snorted, grinning. he scooped the younger up and cuddled.

"well aren't you cute?" Red ask. Lightning pouted at him.

"fine, I'll be cute if it gets me coffee." Lightning said. Red frowned a little, seeming hesitant. "please?" Lightning ask pouting. Red nods after a moment and sets Lightning on the counter, handing him a cup of coffee. "thank you. Sally wouldn't let me have any." Lightning mumbled, sipping the coffee happily.

"what happened to you?" Red ask.

"same things that happened to you guys last week." Lightning huffed. he was grumpy, but seemed to be happier with a little coffee in his system. he grins to himself, kicking his feet.

"oh shit." Mack muttered. "too late Doc, Red gave him a cup of coffee." Mack frowned. Red looked over.

"what? whats wrong?" Red ask.

"yeah well Red found him before I did. take that from him." Mack said. Lightning sets the empty cup down, sticking his tongue out at Mack.

"ha ha. I got my coffee." he grinned.

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