Chapter 3: Choose. NedBear? or Lefty?

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    He walked through the door on the next floor and opened the door. This one was like a giant circle shaped room. Bryan walked in and saw two more buttons. One was across from the other and both faced small shapes of glass with...animatronics?! Bryan saw NedBear in one and Lefty in the other. "NedBear!?" Bryan said, running over to the window. "What? Wait Bryan!?" NedBear said, getting up from the small room. "Where are we?" Lefty asked. "I can answer that. You are in two crushing pods. Those buttons in front of the windows will activate the crusher and kill one of you. One will leave out the door in the pod the other will have their circuits crushed. Bryan, you have 5 minutes." SpringTrap explained. "No...No...NO!" Bryan yelled as he kicked some crates over. It startled both animatronics. 

    "I-I don't want to die!" NedBear said. "Oh my God Bryan! Are you ok?! You're bleeding a lot." Lefty yelled. "I'm fine Lefty... I don't know..." Bryan replied. "You don't know what?" NedBear asked. "I don't know what to do!" Bryan yelled. "Bryan just...push my button." Lefty said. "What?" Bryan asked. "I was going to be scrapped anyway. So just kill me and go on with NedBear." Lefty replied. "Lefty! You can't kill yourself!" NedBear yelled. "It's either me or you and you're Bryan's favorite." Lefty said while a stream of oil came from his eye sockets. Bryan walked over to Lefty's window and said, "Lefty, you are the most funny and kind animatronic I've ever seen. You actually made me laugh on a day that I felt like I wanted to die. I can't even put it in words..." Bryan said. NedBear and Lefty were both having oil coming down their fur. "You don't have much time. Just push the damn button." SpringTrap yelled. "I-I'm sorry-y..." Bryan said as tears fell from his eyes and it burned all the cuts on his face. "It's-s ok Bryan. I will always think of you as a friend." Lefty said as he was standing up accepting his fate. Then Bryan pressed the button.

    Nothing happened. "I guess that the button broke." Lefty said. "I-I don't think so..." Bryan said, looking around. "Hahaha! Did I forget to mention that those buttons do kill the animatronic when pressed but are... switched?" SpringTrap laughed. Bryan froze. Tears fell out of his eyes as he ran over to the other side to banged on NedBear's window. "Bryan! I don't want to die!" NedBear yelled as oil leaked from his eyes. Bryan just looked at the emerald eyes of NedBear and yelled, "I'm sorry! There's nothing I can do!" Bryan kept looking at NedBear and ignoring Lefty on what he said. Then in a split second the walls came in on NedBear as his last scream escaped from him. Bryan fell to the floor and put his hands on his face. Lefty knew that the deed was done. He turned around and ran through the door. 

    He then walked back into the room where Bryan was crying loudly and went up to him. He hugged him and both of them were crying as SpringTrap laughed on the speakers. Bryan knew he did some bad stuff in the past, but no one deserved this. Absolutely no one. As he looked up he saw a bit of NedBear's eye. More tears fell as Bryan hugged Lefty back. "You don't have much time! So I recommend that you get moving." SpringTrap warned. Bryan knew that animatronics are going to die either way but he had to get moving. "Move or else I'll dump lava on both of you!" SpringTrap threatened. Lefty and Bryan looked at the ceiling to see dispensers and got up. Lefty ran over to the door but Bryan just walked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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