Chapter 1

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-Alan's point of view
I hastily grabbed my chemistry book, my note book, and my black journal(covered in stickers) from my locker. It was really hard considering there were like five people standing around my locker, and I wasn't talking to a single one of them. And before you say anything, having a journal is totally cool.
I pulled my phone from my pocket and my headphones out of the other. Surprisingly they weren't as tangled as I thought it would be, still tangled though.
I walked out of the school with headphones in, and awkwardly slipped my coat on, then walked a couple blocks away to get in the city bus. I know,Why don't you just ride the bus home? And that would be the easier way to go home, but have you ever rode a bus? It's like riding a bus with a bunch of monkeys. Actually I'd prefer riding a bus with actual monkeys. One time (the only time) I rode the bus, I over heard this couple talking and he called her stupid and she laughed like it was a joke. I wanted to jump out my window, but with the fire escape that sounded everytime you opened it, people would notice.
I stood there patiently waiting for my bus to stop. The doors opened with a loud squeek and I smiled to the driver who nodded and smiled back politely. I sat down at my usual seat and put my backpack beside me. I put my phone into my coat pocket and opened up my bag to pull my beanie out, pulling it over my head. Then I pulled out my journal(still cool by the way) and my favorite pen, closed my bookbag, and started writing.
I didn't use to ride this bus. I use to get a ride from Austin, my boyfr- ex-boyfriend, but he broke up with me. He said that we shouldn't be together anymore because of the band. It's cool though, I'm over it. I must've been a mess though. I'm surprised no one laughed at me.
My phone went off so I closed my journal and sat it down beside me with my pen in it to mark my place. The screen lit up to reveal that I had gotten a message from Austin. Speak of the devil, he told me that practice was cancelled today. I sighed and slumped my shoulders. We all talked about cancelling practice first, whether it be getting together or over a conference call or texting, we talked about it.
I felt the bus come to a stop and I put my phone in my pocket quickly, then stood up and got off the bus. I'm really upset that Austin didn't tell me that the band was cancelling practice. I hadn't walked that far when I heard someone yelling behind me. I looked back to see a guy dressed in all black with black hair and was fucking tall and lanky. Like Austin kind of tall and he wasn't really close to me so all I could see was that he was smiling and it really scared me because we didn't know each other at all. I had never seen this man before. I turned and stalked off faster than usual to my house. I heard him yell again and I looked back to see him jogging towards me.
I took off in a dead sprint towards my house and praying that I'd get there before he got to me and that someone would be there even though I knew both my parents were at work. I think I ran about three blocks, in and out of alley ways, taking unknown shortcuts until I looked back and he wasn't there. I stopped and looked around then kept running because I didn't want to take the chance of him catching up to me.
I stood in front of my house, never so gratefull to see it in my life. I huffed and opened the door, dropping my backpack to my feet and falling on the couch. I am so out of shape. Good thing we don't have practice tonight.
Oh yes, pizza rolls and Bate's Motel for this guy!
I was taking my shoes off when I heard my phone go go off next to me so I decided to check it so see that it was Tino.
From: Valentine:P- We're still having practice, Austin isn't coming though.
Me- What why?
Valentine:P- Idk he's being a little bitch right now. You still up for it?
Me- Yeah I'll be there. Who's house?
Valentine:P- Aaron's. He says his mom just went grocery shopping so he has food.
Me- Fuck yeah! I'll be there soon!
I put my shoes back on, in a hurry to get to Aaron's for some food when I realized I made the biggest mistake EVER! I opened my bag to get my journal out because I had songs written in there and we always shared what he had written at band practice. When I looked in there for it though, it was gone. FUCKING GONE!
I checked everywhere in my bag, but it was no where. I didn't have it at school because I was writing in it on the- Holy shit. The bus. I LEFT IT ON THE FUCKING BUS!
How the hell could I be so careless? So forgetfull? What the hell was I thi- Oh yeah, I know, I was thinking about Austin. Ugh! Now some creep is gonna get a hold of it and do God knows what with it.
I went to my room and aggressively grabbed my guitar and stormed out. Huffing the whole way to Aaron's house.

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