Mind Freakers and Attack of The 6 Monsters

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In a lab, 6 kids, one with purple hair that has a slight axe shape and Silver highlights. One with green hair and yellow highlights with yellow claws. One also with green hair with a red circle with blue orbs lodged in it. One with blue hair with a yellow streak and red patches on him with two green lures under his chin. Another with pale skin, black hair and yellow highlights along side spikes and tusks and a girl with Centipede claws and a tail like a centipede.

These Monsters are Balkzardan, Jyarumu, Razin, Shiigan, Barugaron, and Vagnosaurus

As they floated in their chambers, Vagnosaurus awakens and frees them







The Monsters broke out of the lab and went towards Camp Campbell

Balkzardan: Where ahr we goin' Vagnosaurus

Vagnosaurus: we are going to hunt RED for experimenting on us

Balkzardan: Sounds like a puh-lan that ah actually like

At Camp Campbell

Harrison: So, Nikki...was THIS your card?

Nikki: *gasps* Oh my gosh! How did you know?!

Harrison: The answer is simple. It's magic! Ta-da.

Nikki: Of course! It makes perfect sense!

Crowd: *cheering*

Max: Hey, Space Kid, what's going on?

Space Kid: Harrison is doing MAGIC. He's incredible.

Neil: Pssh. "Magic". Come on, Space Kid, I expected better from you. There's no such thing as magic.

Nikki: Don't you say that, Neil! Just because YOU don't believe -

Harrison: It's okay, Nikki. Neil just doesn't want his mind freaked by my powers.

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