Best Day Ever

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My friend Ariana and I are sitting by the canteen at school.
"Anything happen to you recently then?" I ask, trying to break the awkward silence.
"Nothing much, you?" She replies.
"Same." I ask, struggling to find the right words to say
"SNORT!" Ariana makes a loud noise that causes me to jump out of my skin.
"What on earth was that?" I ask, half laughing half confused.
"My awkward silence breaker!" She says, still laughing from her unexpected snort.
"Ok, very funny!" I say sarcastically, "sometimes you make me laugh so much, I can so imagine us as sisters!"
"Yea same!" She replies back, a small trace of a laugh in her voice.
"Oh my gosh, Liza, it's Josh, hes coming over here, squeeee!"
Josh strides towards us, hands in his jeans, as they all do, and walks right up to us.
"Hey Liza and Ariana, um I was wondering if I could have a private word with Ariana?" He asks, flashing her the cute smile he would usually do.
"Course, be back soon Liza, don't go anywhere!" She starts to walk of, winking at me as she goes.

Its about 10 minutes before she comes back. I look at her face and I instantly know, something happend in that 10 minutes, and she obviously enjoyed it.
"What did he want?" I ask curiously.
"Guess?" I hate it when she does that, why couldn't she just tell me flat out.
"I have absolutely no idea!" I say, hoping to quicken up the process.
"Josh, he asked me out" she said, barley breathing between her words.
"Aaahhhhhh!" We both scream in unusion.
"Best day of my life!" And I can totally understand why, her face says it all!

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