Chapter 9

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One thing was clear, the stakeholders were happy with their work and cooperation. They had decided to have the unveiling of the MoU at BTM's building, and Brittney could not stop admiring how the whole building was a state of art, especially the ball room. Yes it was the day they had all been waiting for and her team was doing last minute arrangements.

She remembered the first time she entered the ball room. She gawked at the art work and designs. They were out of this world. She remembered Lawrence telling her that Joe was the main architect behind it, and there the man blushed and took the complements with humility. She was thinking of asking Joe to redesign their offices, but she had to talk to her father who may not agree.

"Why don't you go and prepare yourself for the function?" Brittney heard Lawrence telling her from behind. She turned and saw he was in a grey suit that fitted him to perfection. She had not realized she was checking him out for long until Lawrence cleared his voice. He looked at her with a knowing look but Brittney looked away so that he may not see her blushing.

He moved closer to her that she could smell his cologne. It was nice a mixture of vanilla and mint. He raised her chin so she could look in his eyes. "You are not ready yet and the party will be in an hours' time." Brittney gasped at his proximity and moved away from him so she could think clearly. "I'll go and change." She said passing him.

She was not like other girls who took hours to prepare themselves. All she had to do was take a shower and change to her light green dress that Edward had made for her. Lawrence had allowed her to use his office which had an in suite. She prepared herself quickly and wore her dress but she could not close the zipper. She was struggling when the door suddenly opened. She looked back and saw Lawrence staring at her. "Let me help you with that." He said moving closer to her.

She turned around and allowed him to come behind her. She could feel his breath at the back of her neck which made her shiver. It was like he was taking his time to zip up her dress. Finally, the zip moved and she straitened her features and turned to look at him. He was so close to her and looking at her with something she did not understand. "Thank you." She said with a voice she did not recognize.

Lawrence cleared his voice and came out from his trance. Brittney was a beautiful woman but she either did not know that or she was just playing ignorant. The dress was fitting her like a glove and showing off her body shape that was like an hour glass. "You look beautiful," he said to her. She blushed and said a small thank you. There was silence while they stared at each other.

"I am ready, shall we go?" They both said at the same time which made them to start laughing. "We can go together to the ball room; I can introduce you to my parents who have just arrived." Lawrence said while offering his hand to her.

She smiled at his politeness and they walked out of his office to the ball room. As they entered the room she realized that everyone was staring at them. May be it was just in her head. When she looked at Lawrence, he seemed oblivious to the stares. May be he was used to the lime light which she was not.

He took her to an older couple who were seated at a corner talking animatedly. The woman was in a gold dress and jewelry that made her look younger than her age and the man who looked as the older version of Lawrence was seated listening to every word she was saying. "Mum, dad, I would like to introduce one of our partners and friend Britney. Britney meet my parents Mr. and Mrs. Jules." Lawrence said with a proud smile.

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