Chapter 14

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"I had a baby before coming back." Britney was shocked of what Lawrence was telling her that she sat upright. She wanted to ask with who or how but the words could not come out of her mouth. She let Lawrence continue telling his story.

"Anne and I were so much in love. So I thought. We were planning to get married and have a family, but I did not realize that those were only my plans and she was using me to get ahead of her career in modeling. I wish I could have seen the red flags, but I was blinded by love."

"She was all the time going out with her colleagues and friends and also having many trips to Paris with this specific manager in her modeling agency. His name was Nelson. Later I found out they were having an affair. The worst part is that she became pregnant during the peak of her modeling career and she started to blame me for everything." Lawrence eyes became teary. Britney wanted to hold him tight in her arms and tell him that everything was going to be okay but she had to let him tell his story to heal.

"She became angry all the time and was going out with her friends and drinking despite the pregnancy." I thought it was the stress of getting pregnant without expecting it and looked for a psychiatrist for her but she refused to go for treatment. I found her in bed with her friend Nelson and that tore me to pieces. He said with a distant look as if relieving his past. Brittney held his hand and rubbed in a soothing way to give him comfort and encouragement to continue speaking. "Later I learnt that she got rid of the baby and to add insult to injury, she told me she did not know if it was my baby or her lover's Nelson." He said looking at Britney with tears on his cheeks.

"That was my wakeup call and I realized that I was hanging on a relationship that was over. Our separation was messy but I paid her lots of money to get away from me, stayed for 8 months traveling around Europe and healing and came back home." He said with a sad smile.

Britney smiled back at him not realizing that she was crying until Lawrence wiped tears from her cheeks. "Thank you for trusting me with your story." She told him while she held his hand. Lawrence leaned down and kissed her resting his forehead on hers. "I am glad I told you. I trust you Britt." He said looking at her with vulnerability.

Britney understood what he meant. 'Don't hurt me as I choose to love again. This time I won't recover' it was a silent message he was portraying to her and allowing her to see his vulnerable self, that he had never shown anyone before. Britney could not imagine that such a kind man who loved with all his heart could be hurt so much. She wanted to take away his pain, as well as hers.

She moved to his laps and stroked his cheeks. "I love you so much Lawrence and hurting you will hurt me more." She said looking in his eyes. "I will make you forget each and every bad thing that happened to you in the past, and we will create new memories together." She told him holding him close to her.

Lawrence saw the sincerity of Brittney's words and knew that he could never stop loving the amazing woman before him. She was kind and beautiful and she was all his. He crushed his lips on hers with so much passion that Britney gasped. She would never get tired of his kisses. He moved her to his bed and admired her beauty which Britney tried to shy away and cover herself. "Do not cover your body from me because tonight, I am going to worship you my princes. It is only you and I."

The rays of the sun shone in the room making Britney to cover her face with her hands and wake up. She saw an arm on her tummy and remembered what happened yesterday. It was an emotional roller costar, the News and Pictures of them showing up on a blog, the revelation and what they shared with Lawrence last night. She blushed and looked at him tracing his face that had a one o'clock shadow.

He was perfect and she wondered how he could look that good in the morning. He work up and looked at her with lidded eyes. "Morning." He said in his husky voice. "Morning," She replied back shyly. She knew that her face looked like one that had been stepped on especially after a lot of crying that she had done yesterday. She looked away but Lawrence held her chin and gave her a long sweet kiss.

"You are always beautiful my love, never doubt yourself." He told her. She nodded and busked in the arms of her boyfriend. Oh God, she remembered that they had to resolve the issue of yesterday, especially about their relationship.

"Lawrence, what are we going to do about the news?" She asked while chewing on her lower lip. Lawrence looked at her and kissed her again. "Darling, stop doing that or we shall not leave this bed today." He told her. She was so beautiful and did innocent things like chewing her lower lip when she was nervous or playing with her necklace when she was up send minded.

"Well, we will have first to talk to your dad and clear the air about our relationship, then call a press conference with both our parents present and proclaim our love and also tell the media that our parents were collage friends." Britney thought about it and did not know if her dad would agree or not.

After yesterday, she had told herself that she will do what makes her happy and Lawrence made her happy so she did not care what her father would say. "Okay, we will do that then. Let us get ready and go talk to your parents." She said. Lawrence smiled and rose from the bed flashing her. "Lawrence!" She screamed at him. "Sweetheart, there is nothing that you have not seen." 

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