Rollercoaster park

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Tommy and Tubbo messed around with each other as Ranboo huffed. Ranboo and them ran into a Karen who knew who they where. She commented about how Tubbo and Tommy looked. Ranboo just took the two away from her. This got her screaming. 

Ranboo also had problems but they were different. Ranboo used eating as away to distract himself. Though he never thought about his own personal problems around friends as they distract him to. Tommy and Tubbo were sad till they noticed where they were going. They loved to go the rollercoaster park. It was fun to them they love it mostly because of the diabetes in a box/cotton candy.

They were there for hours. Tommy was scared of the big ones but went none the less. After each one they would demand a hug from each other. They laughed when each other said it at the same time. They went or ride after ride.

Tommy threw up once but didn't mind as he wanted to go on more. They took a break before doing so though. They took a break for around 20 minutes and went back at it till it was close to dark. As it turned dark they started going home. They loved to look at the night so they did that close to the house.  Tommy fell asleep there so Ranboo took him in while Tubbo walked.

sad bench trio angst and fluff 'trigger warning'(not my art)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon