The next day (pov) short

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Ranboo's POV

How am I still here!? Oh right they stopped me before I passed out. They are hugging me while crying I didn't think I ment that much.. "can you let go now?" I asked. They yelled no and hugged me until realizing I was  awake...

Tubbo's POV

I heard him say to let go. I hadn't process he was awake yet. So I yelled no and kept hugging him until I realized he was awake! Oh thank the world he's alive. I hugged him tightly before letting go. Tommy was in shock but I can't blame him.

Tommy's  POV

A few hours of peer shock we were cuddling. Thank God he's okay I hope he knows how much we care for that idiot.

sad bench trio angst and fluff 'trigger warning'(not my art)Where stories live. Discover now