Part 2: Roadblock

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The next week had been hard. I didn't know what to do or what to think. I thought to myself 'How can I finish my course? How long will this last?' I refused to talk to my family as even though they said that everyone is in the same situation, I was fed up with that same phrase. It was different for me. I have autism, and it takes me longer to process change, and seeing as we may be like this for a long time, I will have to take a different approach to life.

I comforted myself with one possession that we have in our everyday life... television. I tuned in and watched a new series I recorded: Dynamo: Beyond Belief. I loved Dynamo. He was one of my idols, and the tricks he had done over the years, and in his series Magician Impossible, were mind blowing. I watched the first episode discovering his journey through Crohns Disease. It was intriguing. After watching the first episode, I went to bed, when suddenly, I hear a voice. It sounded familiar. I went out of the room, crept downstairs, and the further I want, the louder the voice began. I could not believe what I witnessed... the real Dynamo. IN MY HOUSE!

I could not believe it at first, so I got closer to be sure. Then out of nowhere, there was a loud thud, and fell backwards, hitting my head.

"Ow! What the?" I moaned.

He looked at me, "Hello Lucy. I'm Steven Frayne. Also known... as Dynamo."

"I know who you are. What are you doing here?"

"I'm your guardian angel."

"My what?" I questioned, refusing to believe it. "But that's impossible, I mean I can't even touch you as some sort of force field appeared."

"Ahh," he continued, "That is because with Coronavirus happening, we guardian angels have a force field which is two meters from you, as that is where everyone needs to be from now on. And as I am a COVID-19 victim, I especially need it."

"Well you're wasting your time. I don't need any guardian angel, especially not now anyway, so if it's any consolation with you, I'm off to bed."

I then entered my room, feeling a mixture of emotions, and then closed my eyes as I got back to bed.

"You know I won't go until I help you," he said, waking me up as he magically appeared from my room.

I knew I couldn't handle it any longer. "Alright. I'll tell you. I'm scared. I'm scared of what is going to happen next. What's going to happen in a month? A year? When will this end? I thought my life was starting to get on track. But now it's crashing down as it did last year. I had a bad year, and I thought that this year would be the one. Now it's not. And now that we all must stay at home; I have got nothing."

"I see," he responded curiously. "That's understandable. The most powerful emotion is fear. As it's the unknown."

He then told the story of how someone put him in a trance, and then held a gun to give him his money, only to find that the gun was actually his finger, but he believed that it was a live weapon. He then told me to look directly into his eyes. I did so, immediately becoming fixated. He then held up his fingers at me, imitating a gun.

"Give. Me. Your. Money."

I then instantly searched high and low for my cash. As soon as I found some, I tried to give it to him, but forgot about the forcefield, immediately banging my head again as he walked out my room. I then came out of the trance, wondering what had happened. I then realised that he used me for a trick he performed on Dynamo: Beyond Belief, experiencing real magic.

"So you see," he explained, somehow ending up outside my house, but in the air as he talked to me through my window, "What you have experienced here, was exactly how I felt when I was rushed to hospital. And that is how many people like yourself are experiencing during this time. If you continue to watch my series, you'll understand more."

He disappears out of nowhere, leaving me confused but realised that I may need him more than I thought during this uncertain time.

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