Part 3: Newfound Inspiration

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The next day, I went to my local supermarket, only a five-minute walk from my house. This was the first time going to the shop since lockdown, but I had to get some essentials for my family. As I left the shop, a group of lads try to pester me, trying to take my shopping in the process. Suddenly, I noticed that they were suffocating. I was genuinely confused. Did they have an allergic reaction to something? Do they have some sort of condition where their throats just tighten up? No. As they collapsed to the floor and everyone crowded around, I saw the person responsible for it... Dynamo. He had his hands positioned as if he was choking them, leaving me surprised, but also relieved.

When I got back, he sat next to me.

"You were right," I admitted, "Maybe I do need you more than I thought. Thank you."

He smiled back at me, "No worries."

"But how hard was it for you, taking all those medications and gaining weight?"

He looked at me, and then turned away. "It was hard. I struggled to use my hands for the simplest card tricks, and there were some nights where the medicine took its toll. But that was the wakeup call I needed. Yes self-isolating was tough, but that gave me the inspiration to create new tricks, as before all this I was less inspired. So technically, if I hadn't experienced what I went through, I wouldn't have created 'Beyond Belief'.

His story left me in awe. I never realised how a negative can turn into a positive in such an effective way.

He started to fade, "My work here is done. I have done my bit; I will let you do the rest."

"Will I see you again?" I asked him.

He looked and smiled, "Maybe, but there will be many others that will come to your aid, but only when you least expect it."

"Any last piece of advice?" I asked him.

"Yes," he replied, "Just a reminder that when Shakespeare was quarantined because of the plague, he wrote King Lear. So if he can do that, and I can create my new show performing new tricks, then you can do anything." He then waved goodbye, finally fading to nothing.

His visit gave me a different approach to life and made me think hard about what I want to achieve whilst I am quarantined. Nevertheless, I still aimed to finish my course, still working hard to pursue a career in the performing arts industry, and still aim to achieve the impossible. Feeling different, I grab out my laptop, and got started for what I am about to face. But then I turned to my phone and saw a notification. I then thought...

"What about college? How is it going to work from home"

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