studio date

153 3 4

(Chihoon × reader) + (Chan × reader)

"Hey y/n are you ready to go?" Your bestfriend yells from her room.

"Yes f/n, I was ready 20 minutes ago, WHEN WE WERE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE, the real question is are YOU ready to go?" You question, walking into the living room to grab your coat and purse.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Did you text one of the boys and tell them we're gonna be a little late and that were picking up some food on the way?" She asks, meeting you in the living room.

"Oh uhm, no.. but I can do that right now tho." I say pulling out my phone.

"Just do it while we're walking there, I think we have everything, so let's go!" She says walking out the door with you right behind her.

"Alright," I say pulling up Chans name in my messages;

Hey, we're running a little late, sorry!
But we're picking up some food to make up for it :) <3

Yeah sweetie, thats fine! And thank you, Chihoon and I really appreciate it! Just make sure you all get enough for yourselves too! It'd be rude to eat infront of our amazing s/o's and we don't want that, especially when it's supposed to be a date!

We're grabbing the food now and then we'll be there in about ten minutes because we decided to walk.

Alright, see you then!
Oh, and we're in my studio, just let yourselves in!!

Alright 😁

"Channie said they're in his studio and that we can just walk in." I say as we walk into the restaurant.

We then grab the three bags of food; me carrying two and f/n carrying one. And then we begin the walk to Wake One entertainment.

~time skips to them arriving at the studio~

*knock knock*
"F/n they said we could just walk in remember," I say laughing while waiting for her to open the door.
"Can you yk, actually open the door? I would but uh my hands are full."

"Oh yeah," she laughs.

Walking into Chans studio we see both the boys hunched over a computer working on what seems to be a new song.
We didn't want to bother them, so we sat down on the couch in the corner and pulled out our phones to keep us busy. But after about five minutes, the boys started to smell the food and they both turned around with huge grins on their faces.
They both stand up and start walking towards the couch.

*insert Farkles famous line from girl meets world*

"Hello ladiesss," Chan says sitting down beside me while proceeding to give me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, what he said," Chihoon states while doing the same to f/n.

"What'd you girls bring us to eat?" Chihoon questions, grabbing for one of the bags.

F/n smacks his hand, the sound echoing in the small studio room, "OW, what was that for!? You're so mean," Chihoon pouts, rubbing his hand.

"For trying to grab the food obviously, let me and y/n deal with it, we known who's is who's," f/n says with a mock glare.

"*nervous laugh*, yeah.. I'm just gonna keep my hands right here," Chan states.

You and f/n grab the bags and start handing the boys their food and drinks. After everything's been handed out, Chan turns on the projector(yeah he has a projector in his studio 😎) and asks what everyone wants to watch. We all agreed on f/m (favorite movie) and then we all ate our food and relaxed on the couch. Light conversations here and there could be heard between the four.

After all the food had been eaten and the movie was over, it was time for the real reason you all came here.. to be the boys' muses and help them write a song... or songs.

Chihoon and f/n were sat on the couch with his laptop and you were sat in Chans lap at his desk.

Chan and Chihoon started talking back and forth, but you and f/n had no idea what the words they were saying meant. You knew they were music/producer related, but you guys don't know anything about that. Luckily tho, you both have picked up a thing or two from constantly having studio dates.

About 3 hours later, you and Chan have finished producing a whole song! Chan let's out a sigh of relief while you turn around and hug him and tell him how good he did.. considering he did majority of the work.
After your endless amount of praise, you hear f/n and Chihoon sigh in relief.

"You guys finished?" You ask, standing up from Chans lap to stretch.

"Yeah, you?" Chihoon questions.

"Yep. Now that were finished, do you all wanna go to the dorm, maybe hang with the other boys or something?" Chan asks, glancing at you and then f/n.

You simultaneously look at eachother and smirk.

"Of course," you both say at the same time.

Chan starts to clean up his studio while Chihoon takes his laptop back to his studio room.
You and f/n go to gather yours and the boys coats.

After about five minutes, you're all ready to leave.
"Thank you guys for this, I know I speak for the both of us when I say we had a lot of fun!" You exclaim, stepping closer to Chan.

"Of course, we love having your alls company, and im glad we get to do things like this. We definitely need to plan another one." Chan states, putting his arm around you.

"Ok, enough talking, let's goooo! It's only going to get colder!" F/n exclaims, yanking Chihoon outside the door.

By the time you all reach Chan and Chihoons dorm, you're exhausted. You both decide to spend the night, if it's ok with the boys of course. Because walking home is to much of a hassle and you all don't want to waste money on a taxi or Uber.


This was requested by KpopTrash2209



The last like 200-300 words were kinda rushed, sorry! I hope you all like it tho ^ ^

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