A New Story To Be Told

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In this world there was one thing I never understood. It was why people aged 18 and over had colourful hair and us 17-year-olds and under got boring grey hair. There was a few more weird things about it though: the royals were the only ones with pure white hair and criminals had dark, red hair, always. My mum (Mama Clarisse) has black hair but she has not told me why yet. It might be because I've never asked her about it but she should have told me. I think what happens on your 18th birthday is you get assigned a hair colour. I used to have some friends who were soon to be 18-year-olds but after their birthdays I never saw them again ...

My mum once told me a story about a different world. A world in which people could not wait for their 18th birthday because they could finally have freedom in life. They could finally decide on who to be, how to live and basically anything else essential for a pleasant, comfy life. I wish that happened to us on our 18th birthday because some kids in my school say you get kidnapped. That is certainly not freedom. I'm only 10 but I want to know what happens on our 18th birthdays and why I can never go shopping with friends. My mum is using her magic to keep me safe when I'm at school. She says everyone has magic and that I will too one day but she doesn't let me talk about her magic at school. She says it's special and they would all get jealous of her and keep me locked up in school until they found her. That might have actually been more fun than dwelling in this apartment with my mum. I want to know more about my future so it's time for me to ask my mum to tell me a new story. The story of the 18th birthday mystery.

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