II Chapter eleven

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POV: Harry Styles

"Hey, Harry. I guess you learned your lesson, didn't you?" My mothers says.

"Yes. I'm really sorry."

"It's all right. Come on, I made you breakfast."

I take a seat in my wheelchair and together we go upstairs, out of this filthy basement. My back hurts a little from the cold floor and I have a lot of muscle pain in my arms, but it doesn't matter.

I take a quick look at my lift and see that it has been fixed again, thank goodness. I really don't want to go up the stairs like that again.

"Shall we have dinner in front of the TV?" My mother asks.

"Yes, nice idea!"

We take a seat on the sofa and I eat my cheese sandwich in peace. When I have finished eating, I swallow all my medicines.

There is a singing programme on TV. I see several people who can sing beautifully. My dream used to be to be on a stage too. Unfortunately, my dream will never come true because I'll never be able to leave the house.

It's kinda frustrating to watch everyone else's dreams come true while knowing your own are slipping farther away from becoming reality...

I used to talk to my mother about my dream. She said that it would probably work out one day, and the funniest thing is that I used to believe her. She is a big liar.

"What do you want to do today?" She asks.

"Looking out the window," I say calmly.

"That won't be it, unfortunately."

"Why not?"

"The pharmacy said that you get sick from the sun too when it shines through the window."

"What? But I've never been sick from the sun."

"You have new medicine now, dear."

I look at her angrily.

"I'm not allowed to do anything from you!


You know, if I had a penny for everytime you made me feel worthless, I'd be worth something by now. I feel like a prisoner!

"That's enough! Do you want to go back into the basement? I can take care of that!"

I shake my head.

"I think you are forgetting that you are completely dependent on me. Without me you are nothing. You need me, you will always need me. For the rest of your life!

"But I want to live like all the other boys..." I say sadly.

"Oh Harry, but you're not like all the other boys. You're different. You can't even walk."

A tear leaves the corner of my eye. She's so mean...

"I still have to get the remote control from your room. You stay here!"

"It's not like I can go anywhere..." I whisper more to myself than her.

My mother walks up the stairs and she stays in my room suspiciously long. Surprised, I think about why she is in my room for so long.
After a while, she comes back down the stairs with not only the remote control in her hand, but something else. Something white.


I open my mouth to say something, to try to explain, but I don't get a chance to. Not because my mother starts shouting, no, because the doorbell rings.

My salvation.

For now.

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