(3) ROR

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One of the chokers Harry is wearing^
⚠️Cussing, low key kinky stuff, possessive Draco, annoying Ginny, Ginny crying⚠️

By the end of the day Harry was nervous to say the least.

What did Draco want to talk about in the ROR? Why did he even want Harry there?

Well he was about to find out in a few minutes.

Once it was five minutes after curfew, Harry grabbed his invisibly cloak and left for the Room Of Requirment.

He opened the door to find Draco waiting for him on a couch.

"Took you long enough Potter." Draco said with an eyeroll.

"Oh shut it Malfoy. What did you want anyway?" Harry asked as he walked over and took off his cloak.

"We are both going to stay in here tonight. We are going to wake up at six in the morning and I am going to use my day of fun to its maximum." Draco said as the couch turned into two queen-sized beds.

"I-what?" Harry sputtered as he was lifted off the ground and onto the bed that Draco wasn't on.

"You heard me, and I'm being nice right now. I could make it so you will do whatever I ask from twelve to twelve but I'm nice. So now it's six to twelve." Draco said with a smirk as he got under the covers.

"Fine but there will be rules." Harry reluctantly agreed.

Draco raised his brow silently telling Harry to continue.

"Rule one, you can't make me do anything nice to Ginny. Two, you can't make me do anything super embarrassing in public. Three, you have to get my consent before doing anything with me and anyone. I think that's all of them but if I think of more then I will add them." Harry stated while listing them all off on his fingers.

"Sounds fair." Draco agreed to the rules with a nod.

Harry got under his own covers before turning so his back was facing Draco, took off his glasses, and fell asleep.

"Not even a Goodnight, so rude." Draco mumbled before he too fell asleep.

The next morning at exactly six, a song from the Weird Sisters started to play softly, slowly getting louder and louder.

Harry ignored it and smiled internally when it went off, only to be shook awake from Draco.

"Wake up, we have a full day today." Draco said as Harry sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Harry groaned yet got up anyway.

"Alright, first thing. Change into this for the day but if you don't feel comfortable in it then put this on." Draco stated as he handed Harry two bags.

Harry nodded as he moved over into the ROR's bathroom to change.

He looked in the first bag and found a short, dark green skirt, a dark green crop top that read "Draco Malfoy's property" on the back in bold white letters and a black choker that had a silver loop on the middle of it.

Harry's eyes widened at the items before opening the second bag.

Inside of this bag there were sweat pants, a long sleeve dark red shirt and had "Potter" in bold white letters on the back, and then a classic black choker in it.

Harry decided to mash both of the bags together and left the room.

Draco's eyes widened when he saw Harry.

He was wearing the sweatpants, the dark green crop top, and both chokers.

"I'm surprised this is what you chose to wear, I was sure that you would have just chosen the second bag." Draco said as he looked Harry up and down.

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