.Just friends.

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It is now lunch and the two best friends head out to the school field to enjoy their lunch.

Max: "Hey. Sam?"

Sam: " Yeah?"

Max: " We'll be friends forever right? You won't leave me?"

Sam: What are you talking dumb? Of Course we will be together!

Max: t-together?..

Sam: yeah! You're my best friend Max! I would do anything for you!

Max: Anything?~ *He says as he gives a sly mischievous grin*

Sam: Don't push it. *He bites into his sandwich and gives a sweet smile to Max*

Max smiles when Sam smiles at him and Max leans on to Sam and takes an apple out from pants pocket, Max says "I got this from Mr. Gen's desk, it practically was telling me to eat it!"

He's about to take a bite of an apple, till a familiar giggle comes towards them. It was Jessica Park, a friend of the two since 4th grade, she was always a bit over energetic.

she speaks "I see Max your still being a bad little bunny, hehe"

Max: "Call me "bunny" again and I'll shove the apple down your throat."

Sam: "Max! S-sorry about that" *Sam stutters talking to her*

Jessica: "Don't be, i forgot how he hates the "b.u.n.n.y" word" *she spells out*

*Max takes a grumpy bite out of the apple, and glares at Jessica*

Sam: "I didn't know you would still be in this school, i thought you would moved to one of those smart schools"

Sam: "I-i mean..your very smart and your grades were always great"

Jessica: "Aww you're so sweet Sam! *She gives a nice warm smile to him*

Sam's heart races and he blushes a little, he looks away and then back into Jessica eyes her eyes a beautiful amber color, her cheeks a perfect pink blush, her long brown hair gently flows in the wind. Jessica boops Sam's nose

Sam: h-hey! *he stutters for he was caught off guard*

Jessica: *giggles* I'm sorry I couldn't help it! You're too cute!

Max buts into their conversation, and in a "trying to be nice" tone

Max: "Don't you got some boring club you need to be at? *he tries to give a nice smile but it turns to a annoyed forced smile*

Jessica: "OH! Yes! I do! I forgot all about it, I need to hurry over there!! It was nice seeing you guys again but I got to bounce now! byeeeee!

Jessica waves goodbye as she runs back into the school building

Sam: "b-bye.."*he waves goodbye with a goofy smile*

Max: "...*ahem* Sam if you both gonna get all lovey dovey- do it when i'm not around! *Max dramatically pretends to faint on to Sam's arms*

Max: I-I feel like I'm going to die! If I see that again. Blehhh- *grins*

Sam: *Flustered* W-we're not being l-lovey dovey! We..w..were just being nice to each other..!

Max: Whatever you say *rolls eyes*, just don't do it in front of me! It's grody!

Sam: *Sam's laughs* sooo dramatic

The two laugh and Max gets up from Sam's arms, They finish the rest of their lunch and chat till lunch is over and then go to class.

*After school*

(Sam x Max).Love Tunnel ride. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now