--Season 2-- Chapter 17: The Strongest

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"Just end it." Sans says. Izuku nods and takes a deep breath. He's about to punch, when suddenly Sans' eyes widen. Sans gasps for air, and Izuku can feel his body tensing up.

From within Sans' mind, Sans sees Dust, Skelly, and even ERROR. They all look at him with different expressions. Dust looks at him with uncertainty, Skelly looks at him with concern, and ERROR looks at him with annoyance.

"What's happening?" Sans asks. He looks at them, before realizing just what it is they're going to do. "You aren't going to let him kill me... Are you?"

Skelly responds with "If you die, we die as well. We can't let that happen." The skeleton explains. "I'm sorry."

Dust quickly says "Don't be sorry Skelly, there's no reason to be sorry for someone like him." Sans tries to respond, but ERROR says something first.

"If yoU guy-Ys want, I can deal with the brat." ERROR says with a yawn. He begins to do a quick stretch, but Sans has some questions first.

"So, you guys are saying that if I die, we all die?" He looks at the three different versions of himself. They may not be on the best of terms, but Sans still cares for these guys. He doesn't want them to die.

Skelly sighs, before responding with "We don't know for sure, but better safe than sorry." This hits Sans hard. These guys... They could actually die if  Sans gets killed. There is no way he can let more blood get on his hands. He must be better.

"Okay..." Sans says. "I changed my mind. I'm going to beat Izuku, and make sure you guys don't die." He smiles at each of the other versions of himself. Skelly returns the smile, ERROR rolls his eyes, and Dust... Well, Dust doesn't seem very friendly.

ERROR finishes his stretches before saying "Do you WAnT me to figHt him? I beat him LasT TIMe." He chuckles, but Sans has other plans.

"No, this is between me and Izuku." Sans says. "No one is to interfere in this fight." He takes a deep breath. He's ready.

Skelly shows some signs of concern. "Are you sure you can take him? I mean you have lost twice now." Skelly doesn't want to admit it, but he actually cares for Sans.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Sans says. Determination builds up inside of him, as he returns to the fight.

Izuku finally goes to punch Sans, but his fist never makes contact. Sans breaks free from Izuku's grasp by using telekinesis, and he jumps back. "What the hell!?" Izuku exclaims. "I thought you were ready to die."

"I was, but I changed my mind." Sans says proudly. "I finally have something to fight for." Izuku grits his teeth and jumps for Sans, but Sans is already three steps ahead, literally. Sans freezes time, and takes three steps to the right, he unfreezes time and Izuku zooms right by him. Sans quickly takes the opportunity to lift Izuku with telekinesis. He slams Izuku into the ground over, and over again. Izuku coughs up blood with every hit. "It's time for me to fight for real now."

Izuku gets released from the telekinesis, and he immediately runs to Sans, trying to punch him. Sans grins and catches Izuku's fist, the impact breaks Sans' arm, but Sans just mends it back together, so that doesn't even matter.

Izuku grits his teeth and jumps back. "Let's finish this!" Sans just nods, and the two rivals attack. Izuku lands the first hit. He kicks Sans in the side, sending him flying. Sans slams into a wall, but not before sending a couple dozen sharp bones in Izuku's direction.

Izuku dodges the bones, bit is then hit by a Gaster Blaster. He gets pushed back, but quickly recovers. Izuku manages to dodge a second wave of bones, and he just barely manages to avoid getting hit by Sans' fist as Sans jumps for him.

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