How You First Meet

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THOMAS::: You came before Thomas but it was normal to have girls around. You weren't the only one. You were the first to actually talk to him. Politely of course.

MINHO::: You showed up in the box one day after Teresa showed up so everybody was very suspicious of you and Minho was the only one with open arms. Well sorta. You know Minho.

NEWT::: You have been in the glade for a while now-- almost two weeks-- and you were a social outcast. Newt was the one to work up courage and talk to you telling the others they were crazy to pass you up.

ALBY::: You were one of the first people to come from the dreaded box and Alby came through the box right before you did. So him being the old greenie, had to show you around. He had no problem with that though;)

GALLY::: You came up and out of the box after chuck and Thomas followed you and Gally had a burning fixation on talking to you because he claimed he saw you during his changing. He says you were his lover as far as he could comprehend.



~Min-hoe's Bæ~

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