Where your first kiss is![STORY]

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Your laying in the slammer because you sassed Minho , and NOBODY Sasses Minho, and you've been here for about a few hours. All you want is to see Thomas. He had asked you out yesterday and you just want to see your new man candy.

It was dark now and the runners just got back so you looked over and saw Thomas jogging, drenched in sweat, over to you.

"Thomas why are you here?" You croaked out. "Well, I wanted to kiss my girlfriend goodnight but I guess no kiss for you." he said turning.

"NO! I mean--- wait..." he turned. "Can I have- a k-kiss?" You stuttered. He chuckled and came back. "C'mere." he said. He grabbed your face through the bars and cupped your face as he tenderly kissed your lips. (Can I just say... AWH!)


You are a med jack and you always waned to go on a run with Minho but he never let you. He would always say you would get hurt somehow or you would be too slow and you wouldn't make it out. Although it was rather rude to say that to someone you could tell he wanted to keep you safe. You weren't even dating but you could tell he wanted to keep you safe.

You were determined to go on this run though and you were going to make it happen. You kept whispering to your self 'I can do this' over and over again as you tied up your old convers.

As you heard the bone chilling sound of the opening doors you made a run from the homestead following Minho. You tried to be as quiet as you could but after you turned 4 corners you were getting winded. Your breath started getting heavier and Minho turned around surprised.

"What are you doing out here y/n?" He said in a confused tone. "I--- just---wanted to--- go on a--- run." You huffed out in between breaths. "Why can't you just listen to me? All I want is you to life so when we get out of all this klunk I can tell you how I feel."

"How you feel?" You asked. "Yes
y/n m, how I feel. I like you. A lot." Minho said staring at the ground kicking a stone away. He looks us and you stare into his deep brown eyes and then he leans in and your lips connect.

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