Chapter Eight

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"AJ, you know what?" Dean asked, looking down at her hands that he was holding.

She bit her bottom lip. "No, what?"

"You're cute...I'm hooked."

Her cheeks flushed a hot pink color. "You're 'hooked'?"

He nodded. "You're my drug...and I get enough of you." He said while staring deep into her eyes.

She giggled and covered her face with her hands. "Que cute."

"No habla españole..." Dean said with a low time.

"No. It's 'no hablo español.'" She laughed. "It literally translates to 'I no talk Spanish.' I mean, it doesn't sound right in English, but in Spanish, it does."

"Well I know one Spanish phrase..."

"...and that is?"

"Te amo." He whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.

Her pink cheeks burned even more. "Awww...where'd you learn that?"

"In Spanish class. Helps me pick up the Spanish chicks." He said bluntly while leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head.

AJ furrowed her eyebrows, but shook it off. "Okay...well I love you too."

"Okay children...there is a new member to your squad of delinquents." Mrs. Helmsley's voice echoed through the classroom.

Randy chuckled.

She glared at him. "Something funny, Orton?"

"You said 'squad'...old ladies like you shouldn't be saying shit like that...those are slang words for kids our age only! And that's for that specific reason."

Mrs. Helmsley rolled her eyes, and continued talking. "So she just TP'ed the bathroom in the teachers lounge...don't know how she got in there...but here she is. Renee, get your ass in here now!"

Renee walked in with a short, tight black dress and short blonde hair with a black leather jacket. She looked like a badass. Just Dean's type.

She had a spray paint can and shook it. "...and don't forget I graffitied the halls..." She said while smacking her gum.

Dean was in awe of how she looked. She put him in a sort of trance.

"Babe? Babe!" AJ screeched while snapping her fingers in front of his face.

He shook his head. "Move your hand, I can't see the new girl."

AJ scoffed, crossed her arms and got up. "Fine, I'll go hang with Paige. Come talk to me when you're done drooling over other girls." She sniffled.

Dean was still looking at Renee, but waved his hands, shooing AJ off. "Yeah, yeah. Go do that."

AJ rolled her eyes and went to sit with Paige who was sucking faces with Orton. "Paige? Paige!"

Paige and Randy stopped to look at her.

"Where's Dolph?"

"Oh he went to the bathroom."

"And Lana?"

"Who cares where she is?"

"Well I'm right here...Randy, how could you?" Lana came out of nowhere.

Randy pushed Paige off of him. "Baby, she came onto me...I don't like her like that." He lied, but Lana smiled and sat on his lap.

"Good, now what were we talking about?"

Paige sat on the floor and rolled her eyes. "AJ was trying to tell us something..."

Lana smiled even wider. "Do share, pipsqueak." She directed at AJ.

AJ sat there with a glare. She sighed and continued on. "Well...Dean likes the new girl."

"What?" Lana shot up from her seated position, causing everyone to stare. Lana giggled awkwardly and sat back down.

"Babe, why are you getting so worked up over Dean?"

Lana rolled her eyes. "He was just a fuck...I don't even like him anymore...Psh." She scoffed and looked to the side, seeing Dean talking to Renee.

AJ looked in the same direction and ran towards the new blonde and attacked her with everything she had.

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