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Christopher continued to trudge along with the counselors, and admired his surroundings as he did. Christopher always had a special liking when it came to nature. He loved exploring the depths of the woods. He loved wandering outside for hours at a time, not held back by any curfew. His parents didn't care what he did. It was hard to find parents in ShadySide who did care. So he explored, he explored every depth of the woods. He would take his polaroid camera with him, taking pictures of various plants, animals, flowers, moss, anything. His whole life was documented in polaroids. He had saved up for years to buy the camera, every last dime he made from mowing people's lawns and walking dogs went into buying that camera. Every last nickel he got for birthday money and the occasional allowance he used to receive went into buying that camera; it's his most prized possession by far. Not just because he used it to savor every important memory, but because he worked to buy it himself. It resembled his responsibility, and his hard work. His parents called him foolish for saving up for so long just to buy something like that. His father has even threatened to break it on multiple occasions, saying that maybe if he did that it would dedicate him to get a real life, and stop being such a disgrace. 

It was no secret that his parents were disappointed in him. They had wanted a son that would surpass the standards of a ShadySide residence, but it soon became clear to them and everyone else that he was nothing more than a loser. Everyone who met him knew it, everyone except Dri, or as everyone else now called her, Andy. She had become a big sister figure to him, showing him more love then his parents ever had. He knew what happened to her in the past, and it made him grateful for what he did have. Dri barely had anyone, and anything. She was practically alone in the world, and Christopher vowed to change that. He wasn't going to leave her alone again, ever. 

"Where are we going anyway?" Christopher asked, wanting to know the destination they had in mind. 

"Alice wants to find the witch's house." Cindy seethed. 

"Wait, the witch? As in Sarah Fier?" Christopher questions excitedly. 

"Yes, as in Sarah Fier." Cindy answers. 

"This is so cool!" 

"No, it's not!" Cindy yells firmly. "It's not cool, it's dangerous, and you should go back to camp." 

"C'mon Cindy, the witch isn't even real. The best outcome is we find some old house a woman used to live in, where people claim 'magical stuff' happened." Christopher deadpanned. 

"Whatever," Cindy rolls her eyes. "Alice! Alice! Come on, it's disgusting in here!" Cindy yelled out to the other female counselor, who was far ahead of them. 

"We're close!" Alice yells back. 

"I like the woods, they make me feel calm."

"Yeah, just hang in there!" Alice yells. 

"You good Tommy?" Christopher asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired is all." 

"Alice! I swear to go-" Cindy yells before she is cut off by her shirt sleeve ripping on a tree branch. "Shit! It's ruined now!" 

"You cursed again." Tommy pointed out. 

"What an amazing observation, Slater." Christopher compliments sarcastically. 

"Do you want me to murder both of you?" Cindy questions before she notices just how bad Tommy looks. "Babe, you okay?" 

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Before anything could be said, a shrill scream cut through the air, sending chills down Christopher's spine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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