You Lied.. To Me..

363 10 4

💬suggested💬: no

✨Au✨: ??

🕰️Time periods🕰️: Past and doomsday

👥Characters👥: Tommy, Techno, Dream, Tubbo

🧭places🧭: L'manverg



Don't think there are any if there are please tell me


Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
Don't come back, it won't end well
But I wish you'd tell me to

Our love is six feet under
I can't help but wonder
If our grave was watered by the rain
Would roses bloom?
Could roses bloom

Song: six feet under - Billie Eilish


Tommy sat on his bed crying, scared.. He didn't know what to do. He had a terrible nightmare and couldn't sleep anymore.

Tommy stood up and went to his door slowly opening it so it doesn't creak.

Slowly and carefully he made his way down stairs tears still streaming down his face, he wanted to get some water.

Aa he arrived in the kitchen he got a glass and put water in it. He sat on the counter and drank his water.

All of a sudden Techno came in the kitchen. They made eye-contact for a few seconds before Tommy put his glass down and jumped off the counter walking to the door again.

Techno stopped him.
"why are you still awake" he asked.

"I could ask the same... " Tommy answered and looked into his eyes again. Techno raised a brow and Tommy sighed.


"wanna talk about it?" Techno asked.

Tommy nodded and made his way out the kitchen to the couch techno following.

They both sat down and Tommy explained his dream and after some time he started crying.

Techno hugged him
"it's okay... It's fine.. Ill be here to protect you.."

"promise?" Tommy asked looking up at him

"I promise Tommy" techno said rubbing Tommy's tears away with his thumb and they continue hugging.

And we know the thing about promises...

They were made to be broken...

Time skip

Tommy had tears in his eyes..
His brother just blowed up his Home.. He broke the promise... He wanted to let Tommy die..

Tommy stood on the Obsidian build now dream whispering words in his ears but he didn't listen all he had in his mind was the promise..

It was only now how many times he broke the promise. It hurt in his heart.

"you.. Lied..." tommy said just above whisper but enough that someone can hear him.

Dream put his hands of Tommy's shoulder and tilted his head somehow everything was still now... He didn't like it.

"what was that Tommy?" Techno turned to him and took a few steps closer to Tommy.

"You.. Lied.." Tommy said again but this time loud enough that techno can hear him.

Techno was confused and tried to remember anything he said to Tommy that was important, but he couldn't remember.

"YOU Lied.." Tommy said again louder

"You Lied" Tommy screamed

Everyone was watching them now confused. Techno doesn't know what he did

"YOU PROMISED!" Tommy cried out tears slowly running down his cheeks.


Techno knew now and remembered what happened, Tommy had a nightmare and he promised to protect him for the rest of his life, but looking back, he only left him and even said he should die like a hero.

Dream suddenly took his axe gave it Tommy and said something in his ear. Tommy's eyes shifted from the dull royal blue to bright red.

All of a sudden Tommy launched himself at Technoblade.

It was an interesting fight Techno trying not to hurt Tommy but Tommy full on focusing on killing him

Then Tubbo came to near Tommy
Dream looked at Tommy who looked past him to see Tubbo running to him

Dream frowned and mouthed something to him and Tommy launched to Tubbo

Lifting the axe..

And killing Tubbo. Many cried but Dream? He smiled. He got himself a killing machine.

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