My oc's existing

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Arian: I'm into some freaky shit
Arya: I'm going to wreck your shit
Enzo: this is some tasty shit
Erix: I want shit
Ezra: I want your shit
Ida: I am the shit
Lucian: I don't feel like doing shit

*gets stabbed*
Everett: wow rude
Enzo: that's fair
Ezra: not again
Erix: are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?

"I die for you"
Everett: then perish
Ezra: please don't/I die for you first
Erix: you will

Everett:Legend says that when you can't sleep it means that you're awake in someone else's dreams.
Everett:When I find out who you are, I'm going to punch you in the face.

Enzo:I'm hungry!
Ezra:You've had enough food!
Enzo:I'm starving!!
Ezra:We just left the buffet!!
Ezra:You had 5 meals!!

Lucian:Why does your face look like that?
Ida:She's concentrating?
Ezra: maybe she's daydreaming?
Arian:Maybe she's thinking?
Erix:She's most likely in a bad mood?
Enzo:Or you know Everett is sitting there, why are you people so bothered on the fact if wether or not she's smiles  or not?

Reactions to Ezra being small child
Everett: what the fuck did you do to her
Enzo: oh my god
Erix: wait how come I'm not also that small

Ida: you're such a bigot
Enzo: at least no one is fucking my spouse
Ida:*instant crying*

Enzo: being a cucklord is-
Arian: Enzo shut up and get the fuck out. I'm gonna fuck your brother now

Ezra,Erix,Enzo,Ida,&lucain: *playing in the ball pit*
Everett: get out of the pit, your extra hour is up.
Arian: how dare you make me wait for my extra hour in the pit

Everett: I can still hear her voice
Ezra: gay, gay, homosexual, gay

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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