Chapter 8

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"The Gelfling we were all searching for escaped us. It was all the Chamberlain's fault." the Scientist exclaimed.

"Why am I not surprised." the Collector remarked.

"We must make an example of the bloody example of these treacherous Gelfling." the Ritual Master stated.

"And of the Chamberlain." the General added.

The Illustrator had been listening. She didn't want to think that her mate was responsible for what happened.

Chamberlain was catching up to the chaos erupting in the throne room now. He was panting as he limped into the room. La noticed him walking different and his breathing heavier. Was something wrong, other than what Tek had described happened?

"Welcome, SkekSil. Calamity has fallen. Rian has escaped, with proof of our dark deeds. The Scientist has blamed the situation on your head." the Emperor explained.

Sil knew he was on the spot in trouble. He had to think of something quick. He was already injured.

"Mm. Scientist speaks true. Chamberlain is to blame." he replied.

The others erupted in snarls and growls. "I knew it! I knew it!" the Gourmand exclaimed.

"He must be punished!" the Ritual Master exclaimed.

"I deserve to be punished. Flog me. Scold me. I am riddled with shame. Such shame." Sil proclaimed.

La hated to see what the punishment would come to be for him.

"If only I had gotten in lab sooner." Sil added on to his story, which was a lie. Tek quickly turned to him. "Filthy Gelfling stole vial."

"Liar!" Tek exclaimed angrily at him. "It was you who took the vial from my cabinet!"

"I tried to protect vial, but Scientist attacked me... knocked it from my grasp. Then Gelfling snatched it up and took off with it." Sil's lie went on further.

"Is this true, Scientist?" the Emperor asked.

Tek muttered for a moment. "Technically."

"I tried to stop them. Caught the slimy Drenchen Gelfling. He stabbed me. Oh! The pain! But I held on, put him in chains. Unlike Scientist..." Sil finished. "Who let Rian escape with the essence."

"Huh?" Tek scoffed. He knew Sil's story was not entirely true at all, but he knew the Emperor believed a lot of Sil's lie stories.

La knew why Sil was limping now. He had obviously been stabbed in the leg. She would plan to take a look at it later.

"The vial was clearly the Scientist's responsibility." the Emperor declared.

Others gaped and gasped.

"But, Emperor..." Tek tried to clear up the explanation, but his leader cut him off.

"He must be punished!"

"Oh, dangle the tail!" Gourmand stated.

"Strap him to the needler!" General suggested. Others suggested things too.

"Enough! His errors need a more permanent discipline." the Emperor proclaimed.

"You speak truth, Emperor, but Scientist is still Skeksis, yes?" Sil spoke again. The others turned to him to see what he had to say or offer. "Perhaps Scientist would benefit seeing... Peeper Beetle." Sil suggested.

Tek gasped, along with the others, but the others laughed.

"An excellent suggestion." SkekSo declared.

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