Chapter 23

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Ryuu stood at the castle gate, and saw the long bridge. He began to walk up on it. He was nervous about meeting the adult Skeksis, and also still in shock to learn that he was a Skeksis himself. What would the adults think of him? Would any of them come forth to claim him as their child? Did they have any other children?... So many questions that needed answers. But then, why hadn't his Gelfling parents told him the truth of what he was when he was younger?

When he got to the very entrance at the end of the bridge, he saw two of those huge black beetles. They were actually Garthim soldiers, guarding the entrance. They sprung to life, but stood where they were.

Ryuu was scared, but he knew he had to pretend he wasn't. "I have come to see the Lords of the Crystal. I am Ryuu. Skeksis, like they are." he spoke in his strongest voice, even though some fear showed through it.

One Garthim walked up to him, making him even more nervous. It got behind him. Ryuu watched it warily. He didn't let it get directly behind him. The other did the same and nudged him. "Let me pass, Garthim!" he ordered.

The Garthim were actually trying to show him the way, but the young Skeksis couldn't help but bolt in fear. He ducked their advances and ran into the entrance. His spikes stuck out on his back from his garb, bouncing as he ran. The Garthim charged after him.

Ryuu had no idea where he was going. He ran up some stairs and saw no signs of anyone around. But it was when he reached the upper levels that he finally stumbled into someone.

He was screaming, and focused only on running away from the terrible "beetles," so he did not see the figure that stood in his way. He collided with the Ornamentalist. He ran straight into him and fell backward onto his back. Ekt was completely surprised and shocked.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" he shrieked in surprise. When he looked down at who had crashed into him, he saw it was a Skeksis that he had never seen before.

"Ahhh! Who are you?!" Ekt demanded, stepping back in dismay.

"I am Ryuu, here to see the great Lords of the Crystal. Are you one of them?" Ryuu asked nervously.

"I know every last Skeksis. But I don't know you! There's no Skeksis called Ryuu!" Ekt shrieked.

"Can I see the Emperor? I come to have my family released." Ryuu pleaded.

"Your family?..." Ekt had calmed down more, but was still in shock.

"Yes. Please, take me to your Emperor." Ryuu said.

"You have much youth on you. Perhaps you should come with me. Ugh! Gelfling clothes! Yuck! You are in need of new robes." Ekt proclaimed.

"Enough! Take me to your Emperor, NOW!" Ryuu exclaimed angrily, getting fed up with this female Skeksis. At least he thought it was female.

"Fine! But your terrible clothing won't help you be welcomed. Come, now." Ekt began to lead the way.

Ryuu was watching this elder warily. He had never seen another Skeksis before. 'Is this my mother?' he wondered.

"What's your name?" Ryuu asked.

"SkekEkt, the Ornamentalist." Ekt replied.

"Okay." Ryuu said hesitantly.

Ekt soon had him in the throne room. "Lords! Look! I found a young one here, in the hallway! Does anyone know about this?!" he demanded.

The other Skeksis gasped at what they saw. They had never seen such a young Skeksis before. Not since they were young themselves, but this one was much smaller than any of them had ever been.

Ryuu looked at all of them. They all looked pretty furious and frightening. And his parents were some of these creatures? No wonder Aughra had spoken of them the way she did. He saw one that sat on a throne. That one must be the Emperor. He began to step away from Ekt's side. He couldn't help but be nervous.

"Who are you?" the Emperor demanded. His eyes lit up as he didn't recognize this Skeksis.

"I am Ryuu, of the Stonewood clan. Surely, you know of them. Mighty Emperor. I come to seek my family. Are they here? If you have them, please, don't harm them! They have done nothing to harm you! They just want to live their lives peacefully back home..." Ryuu explained.

"Skeksis, of the Stonewood clan? That's absurd!" the Ritual Master ridiculed.

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