sunfall twinkles

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A/N: hai guyysyysyss I jus want 2 say no flame me or else u a badist! 1! 1! 1! 1! 1! 1!! 1! 1! 1 I was borrrreeed Oofie 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏 anyway yes,

Mach very bored so she brushe her teth tinkint about painbrushe "UwU" she said because she remembe their hot $

Later she go 2 school, she was has to ask painbrushe sometinf she walke up to him "will ou be mah bf" she sayyyy "ok" they blushe, litle did mach new liteballb was watch, light ballb has angreyer becuz of painbrushe get no singal "WHAT! 1! 1! 1! 1! 1!! 1! 1! 1! 1" life balb scream and maches wolf eads aparerererd and mach was
Lite balb attttttemoed to panch mach but match uses her rainboe deamond wolf powerzzzz and yes

Painbrush gapse "stawp fighting" they stawp "no fight over me I all ready choice mach" painbrush say anger lie life balb walkeded away

Painbrushe kiss mach and mach gaspe , dey went to coass and mefone4 taught buoring stuff blah blah idc

A/n: wowie shtuff gett serios :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I mite post nesct capter soon

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