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Her body shook with the raging storm barrelling through her and she couldn't help but wish she was back in Dephillia away from this Realm, away from this painful place.
"Does it hurt?" Tye asked softly beside her. He had been driving in silence, peering over to her every few seconds. Looking at her bloody shirt, she knew he was talking about the cavity in her chest, left from when she had ripped her heart out to give to Chase.
"It hurt worse when it was in it's place within me." She answered looking out the window, not really seeing the world outside.
"Obviously you can survive without your heart. I'm just gonna come out and say it, that's pretty fucken freaky and not to mention a bit icky," he teased.
She tried to smile over at him as he drove back towards his house in Geelong, but instead of smiling she shuddered and the tears began to fall silently. Tye tapped her thigh.
"Its going to be ok shadow girl. Stay focused. We've got a Crow shifter to find tomorrow and then you will find your warriors, remember they need you."
"Just give me this moment," She whispered and the shifter nodded and continued driving. Jayde looked out the window, continously wiping at her tears.

When they arrived back at his house, he settled her on the couch with the blanket they had shared last night, righted the tipped coffee table and the items that Chase has messed up this morning, before he sat across from her on the table.
She wiped her face with the tissue he passed her and sniffed.
"He's going to be the best father. I have seen it. He will go on to have a handsome little boy with his dark, silky hair and his lovely skin tone. He will be happy once he heals and excepts his fate."
"And what of you?"
She shrugged her shoulders.
"That was kinda gross when you gave him your heart, I have to admit. So... what happens now, do you grow another organ or what's the deal?" Tye asked leaning forward.
"Eventually it will grow back," she frowned over at him "and it's going to hurt like a bitch."
"Can I get you anything? Water, food? Ah, I know," he got up went through to his small kitchen and came back with a set of short square glasses and a bottle of brown liquid. He poured it into the two glasses and passed her one.

"Here's to broken hearts and chest cavities," the Crow touched his glass to hers, pouring half of his glass' contents down the hatch. Jayde followed suit, only she drank down the whole glass of hot liquid fire in one swoop, pulling a face from the burn.
"Well, that's how it's done," Tye gave her his signature smile and poured another for her. She thanked him and sipped on this one.
"Can I ask, Tye, what happened to the Crow shifters?" she asked while rubbing the healing hole in her chest. The wound was taking its time to heal despite that her body was nourished. Was it the loss of her heart or the loss of the Panthera that slowed the process down, she wasn't sure. Maybe both.

Tye tipped his head back and drank the contents of his glass and poured another and another. He sat the glass down beside him and leaned his elbows on his knees tracing circles around her knees.
"There has never been many Crow shifters. Going by the records, the Crow shifters had to find their true mate and were lucky to conceive more than one child throughout their long lives. There are records of a terrible plague killing bird shifters in Europe in the 1500s and a demon attack on the Crow shifters cut thousands of Crow shifters in the UK in 1889. The remainder scattered, only a handful of families came to Australia." His dark eyes turned somber and he looked down to where he drew circles over her knees."My parents were fighting alongside the Pantheras in New South Wales. Protecting a small town not far from the Blue Mountains. My mother was possessed and killed my father and was then killed by the one who had possessed her. No Crow shifter survived that night and the Pantheras had huge loses on their side too. I was just a tiny little dude and have no memory of either of my parents. Only photos," and he pointed to the picture of a lovely woman with long wild sandy brown hair and a tall man with a stunning smile, Tye's smile.
"Ronson and Ebony took me in and raised me along side the Panthera boys and their love is all I have known. They treated me the same as Casey and Chase, and did what they could to help me with my inner Crow. Ebony made it her mission to find any other Crow shifters and she researched til the day she passed away. We all honestly thought I was the last one. "

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