Chapter 1: Moving in

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It was the start of an early fall as I moved into the school dorms of Hopes Peak Academy. The air was chilly as I grabbed my belongings and brung them inside the dorms. I wouldn't be going to any classes today because I had to pack my stuff into my room. They told me my room would be on the 2 floor, good thing there was an elevator. I had 2 suitcases and 3 boxes worth of clothes and valuables I brung with me to the dorms, going up and down the stairs to grab those heavy boxes would be tiring. I got in the elevator with the 2 suitcases and rode it up to the second floor.

When I reached my floor, I walked out the elevator and walked down the hallway. I walked past rooms that had pixelated faces with names under them. I didn't really pay much attention to the ones that weren't my room, after all im trying to move in as fast as I can so I can hurry and put my stuff away.

When I reached my room, I unlocked the door with the key the school provided me with when I got here. When I opened the door I was hit with the room temperature almost instantly. It was really warm, but I didn't take to much time to look around. I put the 2 suitcases down and went back down to collect the 3 boxes I left. It took a total of 6 minutes to bring the boxes to my room.

After I put my clothes away in the drawers that was already in my room.
I pulled my phone out and checked the time. It was almost the time where the students would be coming back from there classes for the day. I took off the clothes I wore when I first got here and wore something more comfortable. A black shirt with grey sweatpants and black socks was what I put on. I layed down on my bed and decided to take a 30 minute nap, I set the timer on my phone and put it on the charger and fell into a peaceful sleep.

When I woke up my alarm was going off. I stretched while getting out of bed hearing my bones pop. I grabbed my phone and turned the alarm off. I looked out my window and see that the sun is going down, the sky is a mixture of pink and orange and it looks great.

But before I could admire the sunset even more my stomach growls. "Hmm, I guess I forgot to eat when I came here". I said under my breath, I changed into some normal looking jeans and kept my black shirt on. I put a jacket over my black shirt and put on a blue scarf around my neck and started to head out of my room.

I walked down the hall and down the stairs into the living quarters, there was a few of the students there but I decided not to pay any mind to them.

One of the students had pink and blue hair with piercings on her ears, and weird horn things on her head. There was another person there, but I couldn't really get a good look at this person, they had a hood over there head but I can hear the sound of buttons being tapped rapidly. I shook my head and continued to the exit.

(Time skip brought to you by Orange juice)

After I got back from the store I head right up to my room. There was two students walking down the hall, one of them had a blonde hair with a black bow in her hair, the other one had pink hair and a black beanie on. He seemed like he was simping hella hard for the female but that wasn't any of my business.

I decided to mind my business and walk past them. I saw them glance at me from the corner of my eye but they didn't say anything. When I made it back to my room, I ate some of the snacks I bought from the store before brushing my teeth and heading to bed.

Tomorrow will be my first official day at Hopes Peak Academy.

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