Chapter 9: Camera's

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Hajime POV


Warmth was all I felt when I woke up this morning. The feeling of arms wrapped around my torso, and legs intertwined with mine was the sign of someone cuddling me. Thinking back to what happened yesterday and where I'm at. There's only one person who can be this close to me.

My heart started racing knowing who's clinging to me. It can only be Chiaki who's this close to me. Did she purposely do this again? I go to look down at the sleeping beauty and am met with her sleeping soundly against me.

Now that I am becoming more aware of the situation at hand. I realize that my arms are also wrapped around her waist. A little too close to her butt. My face heats up as I remember last time what happened in this similar situation. I try to restrain myself from thinking anything else about Chiaki and her body.


It was all for nothing, as imagines of what Chiaki's body looks like without clothes on lurks into my mind. I unwrap my arms from around Chiaki and try to do the same with my legs. But no luck with the legs, she's got me in a strong grasp. I try to push Chaiki off me without waking her. But as soon as I try to pull away from her, she groans and presses her full body against.

I couldn't handle it.

My body reacted on its own, and a hard erection took shape between my legs. What made things worse is that it was pressed up against Nanami. My face felt extremely hot with the rest of my body. In a desperate attempt to set myself free,I very slowly untangle my legs from hers and slowly moved my way from out of her arms.

Once freed, I rushed to the bathroom to get some distance between Chiaki and me. The erection between my legs was obvious, there was a clear outline showing my manhood in all it's glory. I sighed to myself as I look in the bathroom mirror at myself. I sat there for a good 10 minutes waiting for my problem to go away.

Then there was a knock at the door. I quietly left the bathroom trying not to wake Chiaki out of her sleep. When I opened the door there was nobody there. I looked down the hallway and instantly I was blinded by a flash of light. I covered my eyes out of instinct, it sounded like a camera. I quickly look towards who took a picture of me. Only to see nobody there.

"What the hell?" I say to myself as I glare down the hallway before closing the door. I look over towards Chiaki again, she's still asleep. I sigh to myself already feeling exhausted and it's only the morning.

"Let's get this day over with" I say as I open the door back up and head downstairs to grab breakfast for me and sleeping beauty in the room.

3rd person POV

The smell of bacon and pancakes fill the room as Hajime return's from the cafeteria. He places his and the sleeping female's food down on the table.

Looking at Chiaki, Hajime would blush remember the situation he was in earlier in the morning. He shakes his head stopping his thoughts right then and there and comes to the decision of waking Chiaki up. He gently puts his hand on her shoulder and attempt's to wake her up.

"Chiaki, time to get up." He says in a calm tone. She groans softly and turns her body away from him. Unconsciously she tries to stay asleep. Hajime shakes her some more and eventually, she decides to wake up.

"Hajime?" Chiaki calls out

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"Hajime?" Chiaki calls out. Hajime puts on a gentle smile as he sits in front of her.

"I got us breakfast Nanami." He says while pointing to the table. Chiaki stares at him for a good 5 seconds before her cheeks became puffed up.

"Didn't I tell you to not call me that Hajime." She says in a tired yet frustrated voice. Hajime looks away and rubs the back of his head in a bit of shame.

"O-oh sorry, sometimes I can't help it." He says looking away from her. Chiaki yawned again and stretched her arms out into the air.

She then very suddenly grabs ahold of Hajime's face, and makes him look at her eye to eye. Hajime taken back by her unexpected actions starts to blush.Chiaki stares into his eyes longingly, as she gently smiles at him.

"Since you brought us both breakfast I'll forgive you." She says in a sweet tone that makes Hajime heart throb in his chest. She then let's Hajime go and takes her food off the table and brings it back to where she was sitting.

Hajime breaks free from his frozen position and goes to get his own food. He takes a seat next to Chiaki and they both start eating there food.

After some time they both finish there food and separate from each other for a little while. Hajime returns to his room and puts on a t-shirt and shorts. He didn't do his daily run today so he decided on doing that before doing anything else today. He goes outside and does some stretching before doing his run.

"Alright, let's try an beat my record today."

(....sooooo..... it's been awhile huh? My bad ppl I've been dealing with life and didn't really have the time to get started on this story again. I apologize. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Till next time)

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