A Party

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I catch Dean staring at me in the corner of my eye. He's been trying to discreetly get my attention for the past ten minutes, but I'm just trying to get all these notes down because Mr. Wilder is on a rampage and he won't stop, not for anyone. I think majority of people have just stopped trying to keep up, but I'd rather not spent all my free time writing up endless amounts of notes.

Anyway, back to my other annoying problem, somehow Dean and I have ended up in majority of each others classes and due or last names sharing the same first three letters we have been seated next to each other. I honestly don't really understand why we have seating plans when we're in senior school, but whatever I don't really have many close friends in any of my classes.

I look up from my book hearing me name yet again, "Laine," He whispers again quickly glancing back up at our teacher.

I guess Laine is a shortened version of my name, person have a habit of making up nicknames for me because apparently Madelaine is to much of an effort to pronounce.

"Laine," Dean says a little more louder this time, I hesitate for a second then, sighing I give up, "yes Dean?"

He hesitates for a second darting his eyes around the classroom, "do you have a pen?"

Seriously? He's been nagging me for half an hour saying just my name, when I responded back the first few times he didn't say anything he just kept quiet, so it really took him that long just to ask for a pen.

I look back at him as he has his chair pushed a bit further back than mine, "again?" I question annoyed, he has already lost three of my pens and I'm a little bit sick of letting him borrow my belongings.

I pass him a pencil and then get back to writing up my notes, the girl who sits next to me turns to face me, "Do you understand anything this guy is saying?"

I shrug, "I guess yeah, I mean yeah I do, why?" She breathes out heavily, "I'm considering stabbing myself in the eyeball," she imitates the actions, causing me to chuckle under my breath.

"Do it you wont, blondie," Dean whisper glancing sideways in her direction, "what the-"

"Oh, I'm sorry Dean did Lucy not give you enough action?" She asks bitterly, "God, Stace stay mad that my friend just did not want your rank ass." I look between the two unsure of who's words I'm more shocked at.

Dean shrugs at me, my pen sitting between his teeth, "What?" he questions.

I shake my head and turn back to my work, truly confused at what the hell just happened.

Dean sighs, "Stace I would like to offer a formal apology, I did not at all intend to offend you and your pride. Do not take any disrespect, I simply can not control who I am, and my friends can not control who they're into," Stacey looks up, "Yeah none offence taken?" She replies scrunching up her face.

"What even happened between you two?" Dean question pushing his chair forward so him and Stacey are in line with each other, "long story Dean, you don't have that kind of patience in you."

Dean cups his ear, "Oh no, I am all ears."

The two go on to ramble for the rest of the class which confuses me just as much considering how they were bickering just seconds before. I'm pretty sure the words, drunk, party and hookup were involved, but I don't really care, so I didn't bother to listen properly.

Finally, the bell sounds for break and I can remove myself from the awkard seating arrangement going on as Dean found himself basically taking up my whole desk, his head resting on his hand, as he listened to Stacey.

Dixie, Kristie and I take a seat at our normal place, however Ace walks over joining us, "Hey, who's Stacey?" I ask as he sits dow, Ace immediately stands back up, "Yeah, no thanks!" he responds, I pull him back down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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