The fifty-sixth chapter

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(I forgot to delete the 'taking a break' chapter before, lmao TwT. I am working on the second book slightly already but I definitely need a whole month off when this one is finally done...)


Y/N's pov

I can hear a distant beeping sound being very familiar. Am I in a hospital?...

"Y/N..." I can hear someone's raspy voice say. It was just enough for me to hear it but it was kinda hard to find out who said it. It was really close to most of the males I have met... Maybe it was Chris?

I tried to ask who it was but my mouth was almost shut tight and not even a single sound came out. Something was in front of me but it was blurry... I really couldn't see who it was.

Then I see something that grabs my attention fully... The lines build around to make a face with white eyes and brown hair... Alex?

"I'm sorry Y/N... Garcello... I-" Alex cut off his talking his voice still being raspy but when it cuts off I can feel pain surge through my body. I almost yelled after him yet I'm not sure why I would do that...

When I open my eyes I can't really see much but white and it reminds me of the white ceiling in the hospital. The beeping beside me and the strange feeling in my arm makes me realize that I am in a hospital... Oh...

"Y/N! You are awake... Everyone except for me and Adam had to be in the hospital for a while! I can't believe you are finally awake!" I hear Colin's voice but I can't move to see him. It hurts too much...

"Most of you lost a lot of blood from the fight with Tabi before... Garcello however... He has a bite on his shoulder and Alex somehow drew blood by that." Colin tells me making me shiver even though it hurt moving even the slightest.

"We think he might have had some sort of urge to hurt something to not kill anyone because when the police checked around the place they found blood on the floor... They are doing a DNA test but we won't be able to get that in time if we want to find him." I can hear Adam talk but still can't look at eighter of them.

"Alex..." I hear a groan from someone besides me. It is a bit further away from me then I would like but it does sound a lot like the same voice, in the beginning, calling out my name... But that was Alex...

"That is Garcello... Never knew that a bite could break the cords in that way... It was really disturbing to see the first time..." Colin sounds really worried but also like he didn't want to tell me everything. 

I become so worried about this that I can't help but try to turn around. It hurts a lot and I can feel my eyes sting with tears from the pain. It almost feels like my ribs are broken...

"Wait! Wait, Y/N! Stop!" Colin sounds really worried and I can hear Adam laugh just a little. I feel like I can't move any further so I stop and groan from the pain. I can hear Colin sigh making me nervous...

"You have to be careful Y/N. Garcello is fine, he needs to heal that is all. I don't think he needs more bad attention than he has already gotten." Adam says being really quiet in his voice. He has been really quiet lately and I can hear the sadness in his voice. 

He sounds so... Depressed...

I realize my mistake by making them worry so much more than they already are... I flip back around to face the ceiling even though it hurt doing so it wasn't as bad as trying to flip to the side. 

I decide to close my eyes for just a moment only to open them up again seeing the ceiling being a lot darker than before making me feel like I must have slept for a while. 

"Y/N?" I can hear the raspy voice of Garcello ask out of the blue making me jolt a bit. I still look over to Garcello just to make sure that he didn't need anything important from me. Could be life or death honestly...

"Y..." I tried to speak up slightly but couldn't talk any higher and the only thing I could say was something that not even I could hear... Does he know I even said anything?

"Are you awake?... I don't know if you have the button closer to you on your bed to call the nurse... I think I need some time to stand up... Sorry..." He tells me sounding really apologetic but since I feel bad for the guy I decided to check around with my arms if I can find it. 

My chest is the only thing that is hurting so I am able to check around with my arms but I can't find anything. That is until I feel a bump close to my face that seemed to have a button. I pressed it and it beeped a bit something that was shimmering in my eyes slightly made my face turn slightly but not a lot because my neck was also hurting. 

After some time I can hear footsteps from the outside of the door and some light shining through while the shape of a person stands there. 

"Ah! Sorry but I need some help getting up for a bit. I need to stretch slightly..." I can hear the voice of Garcello crack slightly but it's still really easy to hear him. I can see the figure by the door nod slightly as I decide to fall asleep again...

Dear darkness again...


(I have a small question. Would it be alright for you guys if I remade the whole book in a Gacha type of style or would that be weird for you to see?)

---(Until The Next Chapter!)---

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